View Full Version : Daycare meals

  1. Food allergies
  2. Winning recipes ?
  3. Birthday cakes!
  4. Catering
  5. Vegetarian cooking
  6. Serving the same old things
  7. Post your meal plan!
  8. Vegetables!
  9. How much do you spend on groceries for the family and for the daycare ?
  10. Sugar!
  11. Snack portions ?
  12. Parents supply the food
  13. Snack ideas
  14. Staple food items
  15. How much do you think you spend per day to feed a daycare child?
  16. Toddler friendly veggies
  17. What are you making for dinner tonight??
  18. Picky eaters
  19. Best daycare meals
  20. How often do you serve a particular item?
  21. Hot weather meals ?
  22. Favorite ice cream flavors?
  23. S/o of favorite Ice Cream flavors
  24. Seconds, thirds ?? How much is too much?
  25. Toddler foods
  26. Make your own...
  27. Picky Eater
  28. Post your weekly menu
  29. No Breakfast?
  30. Another breakfast question, haha
  31. Any suggestions???
  32. Would you cut out morning snack??
  33. Lunch prep & clean up timing
  34. How to switch from parent provide meals?
  35. What do you consider "junk" ??? (food)
  36. Talking about junk
  37. What's on the menu today?
  38. Why do I bother making lunch...
  39. Charging extra for meals
  40. Do you buy your groceries separate?
  41. What time is lunch & nap?
  42. Providing Breakfast cost?
  43. Have Parents Provide Food for Infant?
  44. Dipping; should've thought of this sooner!
  45. Milk
  46. Bibs
  47. New Daycare
  48. Non stop eatting
  49. Food coloring
  50. Suggestions....
  51. Celiac disease
  52. Will NOT eat the crusts...what the heck?
  53. Cow's milk
  54. Favourite Recipes from your Dayhome Meals
  55. A good eater that won't eat anymore
  56. Budget planner
  57. Pickiest eater.... EVER
  58. Would you give the food parents brought or serve your own?
  59. Ideas to keep them hydrated?
  60. Needing your options
  61. New keeper recipe!
  62. Vegan family
  63. Serving Breakfast
  64. Milk! :)
  65. Bottles and Formula
  66. Crock pot virgin!!!!
  67. Eggs ~ who knew?!
  68. Dealing with eating habbits
  69. I provide snacks and parents provide Lunch?
  70. What do think about juice?
  71. What type of snacks do you provide?
  72. Slowcooker Chili Recipe?
  73. Menu question
  74. One year old refusing to eat!
  75. Milk
  76. Love the "variety" Parents!!
  77. Daycare Garderie Ecureuil Rose in Laval - 3171 Rue Saint-Elzear
  78. Fussy 4 year old
  79. Turkey Leftover Ideas
  80. Very picky eater
  81. Healthy Brownie Cupcakes
  82. Offering a Second Choice?
  83. Self Feeding
  84. What's for lunch today?
  85. Kid-approved crockpot recipes?
  86. Snack ideas for 12 - 18 month olds
  87. Sigh - everyone's a critic
  88. Christmas Elf Pancake lunch
  89. Not eating supper
  90. Grocery
  91. New dcb is vegetarian - help!!!
  92. Should I just give in and serve the packaged stuff!?
  93. Fixed, rotating food schedule?
  94. Homemade Spaghetti-O's
  95. Anyone have a Toddler approved trail mix recipe?!
  96. How to get them to drink water
  97. Ive tried everything!! ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!
  98. Cooking for the kids
  99. Sharing quick, nutritious and yummy recipe
  100. Messy Eater!!!
  101. Longest lunch time!
  102. 1 year old & already a picky eater?
  103. Cupcake question
  104. HA HA this is not a joke
  105. They ate their broccoli!!!! ( happy dance!)
  106. Menu ideas and opions please
  107. New ideas
  108. Hotdogs- do you ever serve them!?
  109. What did you serve for lunch today?!
  110. Presenting a menu...
  111. Picky Eater
  112. So. Very. Picky. Ugh. Vent.
  113. Payment charges for before & after school care in home
  114. Food allergies
  115. Lunch time stress
  116. Gluten/wheat allergy
  117. Info on opening home daycare in Montreal
  118. Easy soup recipe share?
  119. Lunch ideas
  120. Very unhealthy eater
  121. Vitamin C
  122. Life threatening allergies
  123. Gluten Allergy? HELP!
  124. Winter Snack Ideas!
  125. Food and liability if kids get sick
  126. Help form those that DON"T serve food
  127. Cleaning hands/face after meals
  128. Cherrio Diet
  129. Infant/Toddler snack
  130. Throw Up Bros
  131. Open cups
  132. 6 year old super picky. Barely eats.
  133. Lunch & Snack Times
  134. How much is too much?
  135. Organic meat prices
  136. Kid- friendly vegetarian meals
  137. Toddler won't eat
  138. 12 month old still on baby food
  139. Healthy school snack ideas
  140. Easy way to bake with the kids!!
  141. Snack portions
  142. Meals and Sbacks
  143. Meals and Snacks for 12-18 months
  144. Honey
  145. Parents requests child to get more food.
  146. Meal Prep!
  147. DCP Concerned Mercury in Tuna
  148. Apple Recipes Please!
  149. Not eating lunch
  150. Ketchup on Everything
  151. Gluten Free?
  152. Monthly grocery budge for daycare only
  153. Milk at Lunch only?
  154. Will parents pay more for better food?
  155. School-aged kids who come for lunch
  156. Accomodating Allergies in Home Daycare
  157. I'm spending too much on food!
  158. Post a from a user
  159. Providing a take home snack
  160. Picky eater "yucky"
  161. Snack and Drinks Only Anyone???
  162. 2.5 year old Eating issues.. Help :)
  163. Daycare Meals - Canada Revenue
  164. Food preparation question
  165. Instant Pot
  166. Celiac
  167. Desserts for Celebration
  168. Cookies