01-09-2012, 02:36 PM
I posted about this child before, but I have a 2 year old who is potty training. Over the holidays he became completely trained with his parents, but with me he does not want to use the toilet. We struggled through last week, but now it is even worse. He is holding it..he doesn't want to go in his pull-up, but won't go on the potty or toilet. His mom said he started holding it at home yesterday too...for 5 hours he held it until he finally burst and soaked through his pull-up and pants. Today he is clearly in agony. He is twisted and making sounds like a woman in labour and obviously has to go BAD, but he cries when I put him on the toilet (I tried leaving him there to cry for awhile, but he still holds it!). Finally I asked him if he wants a diaper and he said yes, so I put him in a diaper and told him he can pee or poop in it if he needs to. He was still really uncomfortable and I am not sure if he has peed yet. Is this normal?? What can I do to help this poor kid? I am at a loss!