View Full Version : Use of technology in childcare

07-29-2019, 11:03 AM
Hi all,
I have a 16 months daugther in a (larger) child care chain in Toronto. All is well with the care and we could not be happier.

However, I wish they used a better communications tool between them and us parents. We get daily reports which is great, but there is definitly room for improvement. E.g it would be nice to mark my daughter as sick, away or similar instead of having to send an email etc. The same goes for the large amount of forms being send out that needs signatures etc. I'm sure there are better ways to handle this.

So, my question is. Which technology do you and your childcare use, if any (apps etc.)? Are you happy with its functionalities etc? Will be great to suggest this to my current childcare.


07-31-2019, 01:34 PM
Commerical use of these technoligies are expensive. It will require tablets or upgraded cell phones for the workers and licensing.Plus not all parents would have or want to upgrade their end in order to be able to sign things which are legally required for acknowledgement and authority for field trips.

While I understand it's more convenient for you, the day care would then have to print all the signed forms and then keep them on file for over 7 years. Techonologu doesn't work in child care for everything you would like it to. There's a reason day cares use paper and that's speed and ability to keep the records that have to be printed anyway.

Of course, if you are okay with a huge fee increase for the software, and the tablets, and still having to print etc, I'm sure they will be happy to charge you those fees.

08-03-2019, 11:57 AM
Hi all,
I have a 16 months daugther in a (larger) child care chain in Toronto. All is well with the care and we could not be happier.

However, I wish they used a better communications tool between them and us parents. We get daily reports which is great, but there is definitly room for improvement. E.g it would be nice to mark my daughter as sick, away or similar instead of having to send an email etc. The same goes for the large amount of forms being send out that needs signatures etc. I'm sure there are better ways to handle this.

So, my question is. Which technology do you and your childcare use, if any (apps etc.)? Are you happy with its functionalities etc? Will be great to suggest this to my current childcare.


Unless it is an "old school" adm. system would not allow much use of a multitasking technology system.

Currently new ECE students in colleges have specific subjects ie.on how to use technology. Especially for a better child progress documentation, profiles, classroom administration, communication with parents, daily logs, etc. It is all done online.

It doesn't cost much. $1 per child a month. Others are completely free if parents join become administrators and share the files with teachers.

I think the most expensive one was $150/ month up to 60 students and so on. Anyway you can probably suggest the following.

Hi mama, seesaw, storypark, brightwheel, class tag, class dojo . (There are many more but those are the ones more recognized) I almost forgot others are also using Facebook (I'm not familiar with fb. But I guess it also works fine)

Also, as it seems hard to send an email when your child will not attend the centre.

Note that, for teachers or any childcare professional (who follows thorougly the child's well being) it is important to know the reasons of why a child will not attend, especially when it is health related. I usually get some short messages early in each child's file ie. At grandma, aunt visiting, light fever, general doctor check up, etc. I hope it helps. Good luck.

04-05-2020, 10:23 PM
I use Kinderlime for my daycare and it is wonderful! All the parents have positive feedback about it.

04-23-2021, 05:04 AM
Yeah, I also heard about Winnie. It is pretty interesting and perspective to my mind