View Full Version : Provider does not want to give me my receipts

03-03-2011, 09:53 AM
I had my child with a provider and things did not go well at all. Eventually my provider wanted out and I felt it was best and so we terminated. We had paid for the period ( around 5 weeks).
I have been asking her to send me the receipt. She has not provided me with one after asking for it multiple times. I am offended by this.
What do I do? Do I need her SIN or anything for me to claim my taxes.

03-03-2011, 01:04 PM
What you should do is call revenue canada and ask for sure but I think as long as you put down her name address and phone number on your tax form that should be enough. Ideally you will have some way to prove what you paid such as a duplicate or cancelled cheque. Since you don't have to include receipts don't be surprised if you get a letter from revenue canada many months from now asking you to verify the amount paid. I thought there was a law that could charge a provider for not providing a receipt but not suggesting that be the first course of action. The phone call is the best place to start. There may even be some info on the revenue canada website itself about how to claim without a receipt since this is a lot more common than it should be.

03-03-2011, 01:06 PM
Thanks Playfelt. I appreciate it!:)

03-03-2011, 01:25 PM
I always provide my SIN number to my daycare parents. It is required when they claim it on taxes.

03-03-2011, 01:30 PM
I checked the revenue Canada website and you at least need the SIN number of the provider to claim. Even if it is an unlicensed home day care provider it is illegal not to provide receipts.

03-03-2011, 01:50 PM

I am not a lawyer, but my advice is to send a registered letter to your old daycare provider requesting the receipt, offer to pay her duplicate receipt fee if she has one, also provider her with a date you will expect it by (maybe 2 - 3 weeks from when you send the letter), and the amount you paid. This register letter is now proof that you have attempted to get a receipt from your old daycare provider.

This letter can now be used as documentation in court or with Revenue Canada, if you need to take further action.

I know sometimes it can take me a month to get a receipt out to a family that is leaving as life can become quite busy. Or maybe your old provider only sends out receipts a certain month of the year, for example I always send mine out in January.

03-03-2011, 02:01 PM
Hi Tot time
Thank you. I requested her to provide receipts soon after we discontinued ( which was mid-2010). She did reply and told me that she does hers at the end of the year ( December) and there is enough time until April.
I was patient and it is March now. I have had two other correspondence with her in this time requesting the receipt. I neither have a SIN number nor receipt.
I do have proof that I paid..my own bank records and I have the contract etc..
I had a very disappointing experience with her and I think she is purposely not giving me the receipt.

03-03-2011, 02:23 PM
The idea behind the registered letter is to make it 'official'. In the letter you can refer to the previous correspondence and point out that the caregiver agreed to provide the receipt. By registering the request the caregiver has to sign that she received the document. Thus providing you with the supporting documentation if you need to proceed further.

In Ontario, as a parent you can claim what you paid your daycare provider without a SIN #. But if Revenue Canada asks for a receipt they can disallow your claim. I am sure there are loop holes for everything, with documenation stating that the caregiver has still not provided the receipt will work in your favour.

I don't know what avenues are available to you as a parent to get a provider to supply you with either a receipt with her SIN or just her SIN or BIN (which btw you don't have to have a providers SIN, I NEVER EVER give mine out, instead I supply my BIN). Revenue Canada might be able to assist because they do have the authority to charge a provider who does not give out her SIN or BIN number.

Without harrrassing your old caregiver, have you tried writing the receipt yourself, leaving a blank space for the caregiver's signiture and SIN and request her to sign it in person (provide a duplicate for her records)? You may be completely right in that your old provider isn't providing the receipt on purpose because there wasn't a good relationship, but sometimes life does get busy, and we forget. I had a family that left daycare in the summer and I didn't even realize until January that I never provided them their annual receipt.

Another tidbit, I am sure you have already tried, but be ultrasweet when dealing with your old provider, as you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Maybe start by saying, you are sure that the original receipt was lost in the mail so you are hoping that she will provide you with a duplicate receipt, or maybe ask if it has been prepared yet so that you can pick it up friday on your way home from work? Being sweet and not giving her an option to say no might work?

Oh if you have an accountant do you taxes you can have the accountant call your daycare provider for the SIN #, I had a daycare parent or two do that to me because I don't give my SIN # out and parents didn't realize they had my BIN # on the receipt.

03-03-2011, 02:50 PM
" if you have an accountant do you taxes you can have the accountant call your daycare provider for the SIN #, I had a daycare parent or two do that to me because I don't give my SIN # out and parents didn't realize they had my BIN # on the receipt."

This is a great idea. I will try this.

03-03-2011, 09:34 PM
You can still claim your childcare expences if you do not have a reciept. It can be tricky but if you have your bank records and the providers full name, address and phone number it can be done.

03-04-2011, 10:04 PM
I always give receipts but I notice that couple of the parents write on the memo line of their cheques - daycare fee for period so and so - which I guess is a precaution in case receipts werent provided. But Giraffe is right childcare expenses can be claimed without the receipt just make sure you have records of payment for when Rev Canada request proof.
I have never given out my sin # on my receipts to the parents but one parent got audited after 5 years of doing this and she asked for it, I gave it to her no problem. Just politely asked her to disposed of this information securely as soon as she gives it to her Accountant.

03-04-2011, 10:21 PM
I have never given out my sin # on my receipts to the parents but one parent got audited after 5 years of doing this and she asked for it, I gave it to her no problem. Just politely asked her to disposed of this information securely as soon as she gives it to her Accountant.

4Sparkles, you have to give you SIN number to families unless you have a BIN number. I couldn't find the information online so I can't 100% confirm my source or my information, but to my knowledge you can be fined up to $1000 per receipt that does not include your SIN #. So please be careful, I am sure it can add up quickly. It is in the best interest of the parent if they have your SIN because some accountants won't file the childcare expenses until they do have the SIN #.

I agree 100% that I HATE having parents having my SIN, so I went and got my BIN so I would never have to give out my SIN. If you are worried about the safety of your SIN, then it might be worth the few dollars to get your BIN.

03-04-2011, 10:52 PM
Yikes!!! Thanks for the info. Nicole. I am greatful.

03-29-2011, 06:36 PM
I refuse to give out my sin # its under the privacy act

03-29-2011, 06:43 PM
I refuse to give out my sin # its under the privacy act


I haven't finished reading the whole page but it does clearly state that for the purpose of income your SIN # can legally be asked for. In Ontario, don't know about other provinces, as far as I know, it is illegal not to include your SIN # on your childcare receipts. Just be cautious if you choose not include your SIN # on your receipt or ask Revenue Canada to clarify whether or not you have to include you SIN #.

03-29-2011, 06:52 PM
I refuse to give out my sin # its under the privacy act

I don't provide mine either...never have. If the government needs to check things out, they can call me to get it. It is not needed to do your taxes.

03-29-2011, 07:02 PM
The reasoning is by providing your SIN # the govn't knows that you are not trying to scam by not claiming all your income. Without your SIN # how can the govn't connect you to the daycare family? Without your SIN # the family if audited cannot claim childcare costs. To my knowledge, if you are caught not providing your SIN # to families then you can be fined, is it worth the risk? I think I read about the fines in one of the CCPRN articles last year about this time, if anyone keeps their CCPRN newsletters you might be able to confirm the info :)

There are options ... I am very set against giving my SIN # to families and won't do it. It isn't that I don't trust my dc families but it is who may come into contact with their financial records ... So the option is to spend $75 and get your BIN #. This replaces your SIN # and you run no risks of incuring fines due to not including your SIN #. With my BIN #, I filed my business name, my address, my SIN #, and maybe a few other bits and pieces of information. Now, if a family gets a hold of my BIN # all it means is they have information pertaining to my business vs personal stuff.

03-29-2011, 07:07 PM
I've never heard or read (and I've done a lot of looking into this) of any fines incuring for not supplying your SIN number. All my families have been just fine filing taxes without my SIN. As long as they have your business name, your name and phone number it is fine.

03-29-2011, 07:16 PM
I've never heard or read (and I've done a lot of looking into this) of any fines incuring for not supplying your SIN number. All my families have been just fine filing taxes without my SIN. As long as they have your business name, your name and phone number it is fine.

It could be a provincial difference. Here I have had tax consultants call me for it because families can't file without it and I have had families who attempted to claim their childcare costs but couldn't until they had my SIN#.

Here is a sample of a receipt from Revenue Canada which includes the SIN # as a manditory criteria.

Definitely just be cautious what is needed for your area because each area can have different policies I guess :)

03-30-2011, 01:51 PM
My mom is an accountant and she always does my taxes and I have never given out my sin number.She told me I don't have to. Like the a previous poster if someone was audited and absolutely needed it then I would provide it. I am not comfortable just handing it out to anyone, None of my parents have ever asked. I have given my daycare a business name but it does not need to be registered since I don't make enough. So on my receipt it says my daycare name and address and then down below how much the daycare service was and for how long and at the bottom it just says Paid in full thank you. When I was on the other end and was a parent, my DCP didn't put hers down either.

03-30-2011, 03:13 PM
Check again on the business name issue. That is something that was discussed in one of our newsletters too. If you call your daycare anything other than just your name you need to register the name to legally use it.

03-31-2011, 04:32 PM
I don't give out my SIN either. The parent do not need it to claim childcare expenses. Just imagine if our SIN #'s were out there floating around, all it takes is one disgruntled parent and watch out...your life could be ruined.

It's different if they "employ" us, but they do not. We provide them a service.

04-06-2011, 06:39 PM
I to have never provided my sin number.I had only 1 parent to date ask for it and thats fine ,but i give detailed reciepts with each date the child was here and the amount total amount for the day total amount for the week and total amount that receipt if its a biweekly payer.At the bottom of the receipt is my name my business name full adress and telephone number.I don't think your going to get fined unless if a parent requests it do to auditing and you refuse

06-27-2011, 04:44 PM
It is the law in Canada according to Revenue Canada to have our sin number on all tax receipts. Revenue Canada let me know that. I did let them know it is insane for identity theft reasons to have my sin on paperwork going out of my home to individuals. They just said "Unfortunately that's the law".

06-27-2011, 04:56 PM
It is the law in Canada according to Revenue Canada to have our sin number on all tax receipts. Revenue Canada let me know that. I did let them know it is insane for identity theft reasons to have my sin on paperwork going out of my home to individuals. They just said "Unfortunately that's the law".

When you called Revenue Canada, did they mention the fine? If I remember right it is $1000 per receipt without your SIN?

As I have mentioned previously, there is a easy way to avoid identity theft. Instead of a SIN # we are allowed to apply for a BIN (Business Insurance number) and put that on your receipts instead. I paid, I think, $80 for my BIN # and it is good for 5 years. A small price to safe guard my SIN.

06-27-2011, 05:46 PM
When you called Revenue Canada, did they mention the fine? If I remember right it is $1000 per receipt without your SIN?

As I have mentioned previously, there is a easy way to avoid identity theft. Instead of a SIN # we are allowed to apply for a BIN (Business Insurance number) and put that on your receipts instead. I paid, I think, $80 for my BIN # and it is good for 5 years. A small price to safe guard my SIN.

I didn't ask about the repercussions of not having the sin on there, and they didn't offer. I just thanked them for letting me know the boundaries and made sure I complied.

I didn't know about the BIN. I am going to do that. Thanks for the info ladies. That is such a better idea!!!!

02-07-2012, 08:35 PM
what should I put in this letter if my ex-provider haven't send one I have called her 3 times already, and she hasen't reply to any of my messages ,I want to send a register letter I just don't know what to put in the letter any suggestions
thank you

02-07-2012, 09:45 PM
what should I put in this letter if my ex-provider haven't send one I have called her 3 times already, and she hasen't reply to any of my messages ,I want to send a register letter I just don't know what to put in the letter any suggestions
thank you

Do you mean you don't have any receipts? Do you have cancelled cheques?

02-08-2012, 08:45 AM
You could also do it the other direction. Contact Revenue Canada and explain what the lady told you and that now she is totally refusing to give you any receipts at all even though you paid the higher amount and ask what you should do. Likely they will just tell you to put down the lady's name, address, phone number etc - anything you have to contact her and then her taxes will be flagged. As providers that claim all of our income we do get angry when we hear of people cheating the system and not claiming so you would be doing those of us that attempt to operate legitimately a service by having home like her's shut down.

The reality is that if she claims all of her income, and all of her expenses she will likely end up not paying any taxes anyways or only a small amount. She will contribute to Canada Pension but it also means when she gets old she will qualify for a monthy pension check which otherwise she won't.

02-08-2012, 08:53 AM
Ohhh I guess I should give my daycare parents a new reciept of payment ... I only put name,address ,phone number and date of birth on my reciepts...

02-08-2012, 11:13 AM
I do Sin, address and phone but not birth date. No reason for that info there that I know of.

02-08-2012, 11:49 AM
Your former provider does need to give you a recite. Having said that my old provider didn't give our recite until mid Feb ~ my understanding is they have until end of February to give them out? I could be wrong..that happens often :laugh:
Myself I give them out in January so they are done and I don't have to worry about them anymore.

Crayola kiddies
02-08-2012, 12:10 PM
I applied for a business liscence ($60 for 5years) and so I put my business liscence number on my receipts cause I don't like giving out my sin number

02-08-2012, 01:48 PM
I'm sorry your having a tough time with this. I would call H and R block and ask. Like others have said, make sure you have some other proof that you have paid. bank statements and such.

Inspired by Reggio
02-16-2012, 12:51 PM
I applied for a business liscence ($60 for 5years) and so I put my business liscence number on my receipts cause I don't like giving out my sin number

This was me as well - I called CRA when I started out to clarify this stupid rule as well when I read about it online - because every other piece of government propoganda tells you to protect your SIN at all costs against identity theft and there is this branch telling you it is LAW that you provide it on a piece of paper going out to every Tom Dick and Harry each year who than does lord knows what with it and if you do not you risk a fine :mad:-

I told them that does not make any sense and inquired what my other options were because I refuse to provide this and was told I could register my business name and put the BIN on my receipts - $60 for 5 years works out to $1 a month ... best investment in my piece of mind I ever made - beside because I operate my business under a name other than my legal name I was required to register my business name here in Ontario anyway - so win win!

As for a provider refusing to GIVE receipts - yes it is the law to do this but sadly many people perpetrate fraud in this world - the best thing we can do is be alert and take precautions to protect ourselves - both as service providers and as clients!

Being able to claim your childcare costs on your taxes can offer you significant refund or reduction in taxes paid - as a parent you want to protect that investment!

My advice to parents is:

A) if you are entering into an agreement with someone who is a CASH only provider - negotiate a receipt at the TIME the cash is given into your contract so you have proof of payment - and than make sure not to LOOSE your receipts between then and tax time if the provider is not willing to do this than my advice is do not sign a contract with them because that is red flag behaviour that they are not CLAIMING their income for some reason and well you need to be cautious because chance are if they are trying to hide their income than they likely are operating without business liability insurance and a number of other best practice things in place designed to protect you as the client as well as themselves :(

B) if you are paying by cheque with the promise of a 'annual receipt' than I would make sure that in the memo part of the cheque to write 'for childcare during the week of X-Y 2012) and than keep a copy of all cheques paid to the person as your memo will serve as 'proof' it was for childcare and for what time frame it covered - most online banking offer the option to view 'cashed' cheques now and you can save this to your computer and print these out as 'record' of your payment to this person....than if they do not give you the receipt as planned you still have 'returned cheque' as proof for taxes and you can than REPORT them to the CRA that they refused to provide the receipt as required - because as someone mentioned early you would be doing the profession a favor because if we do not stand up and demand that EVERYONE follow the rules of the business than these people will continue to take advantage of others and well give those of us trying to operate high quality legal programs a bad name!

02-16-2012, 06:41 PM
Good advice, for sure...