View Full Version : Getaways for parents and children

05-29-2012, 02:08 PM
Hello everyone!

I'm a mother of 3 children ages 7, 12, and 15 years old. I am a Social Service graduate. I currently work in an Adult Day Program in East York, Ontario. I've been working at the ADP for 2 years now. I work with seniors with different types of dementias, mental and health problems, clients who are low to high functioning both physically and mentally. I have my First Aide/CPR as well as my Food Handlers Certificate. I want to know how all the parents feel about a home care business that I am planning to open up where parents can leave their children with me for the weekend (Friday night to Sunday). The pay rate is $150 to $200 for the whole weekend. This service would be geared towards parents or single parents, students, new graduate students, caregivers, who feel the need to get away for the weekend but does not have the resources to do so. I would love some feedbacks, negative or positive, ideas, and any advice or suggestions on how you parents feel about this?

05-29-2012, 02:40 PM
Before you start to do this make a decision on things such as will either you, your spouse or another adult be staying up all night to check on the kids. Will the children have proper beds, cribs, etc or just mats and playpens.

From a cost standpoint, a night away in a chain hotel compelte with pool, exercise room, etc plus meals if you ate in the area not the hotel would cost about the same for parent and kids so a getaway for that amount of money is possible.

The group that it is attractive to is the single parent looking to go out for the evening and stay out very late and maybe drink too much or maybe even not come home because they are in a new relationship.

What if you charged by the night rather than the weekend so you would attract those that just want to go out with friends and not have to worry about what time or if they come home that night.

Given the experience you have you might do better to hire out your services to families caring for a senior in their home either with you going to their home or them bringing the parent to you. Some families with special needs children do have government funds for respite care and that can be for a weekend while the rest of the family does an activity.

You might try connecting with some of the support groups in your area to find out about the kinds of services that families need. Community Living would be one that assists with special needs clients. Many have a facebook page so you might be able to post there for suggestions.

05-30-2012, 12:19 AM
here are a few threads that may help

Clicky1 (http://www.daycarebear.ca/forum/showthread.php/390-Overnight-care?highlight=overn ight+care)
clicky2 (http://www.daycarebear.ca/forum/showthread.php/656-Overnight-care-early-arrival-and-late-departures?highlight =overnight+care)
Clicky3 (http://www.daycarebear.ca/forum/showthread.php/515-24-hour-dayhome?highlight=ov ernight+care)