View Full Version : Suggestions for a good daycare in Oak Ridges, Richmond Hill

07-03-2012, 09:37 PM
Dear All,

Any suggestions on a good day care in the oak ridges, richmond hill area ? My daughter was going to the small world early learning centre, but had a very bad experience with that day care and hence looking for another one.


08-08-2012, 06:13 PM
When I lived in Ontario, I worked for Loyal True Blue and Orange Flexible Child Care Centre. It was a great centre then. Since leaving there 22 years ago (to have my daughter), I have worked in many different centres including home daycares and I still feel that TB&O was one of the best. Hopefully its quality has continued. Check it out! http://www.loyaltrueblueora ngeflexiblechildcare .ca/en/