View Full Version : Did my daycare drunk dial me?

07-16-2012, 12:56 PM

I have a bit of a concern...well more than a bit....I am not really sure how to catagorize this....

My son does great as his dayhome, but something really strange happened. Last night my phone rings at 9:05pm, I thought it was my provider calling "sick" but she was calling cause "Her bank had drained her account." For what reason I don't know.

Anyways she was asking if I could push up my payment date cause she was broke....Her words were slurred, and she just seemed off. I said I couldn't, then she started rambling about personal things like her divorce her kids, whatever..... For over an hour. It sounded like she was drinking from a glass....

What she does off the clock didn't really bother me until now, and when my husband brought it up at drop off today "Hey you seemed really off last night when you called my wife is everything alright. She flew off the handle, and proceeded to call me at work telling me "not to judge her...."

Am I going to have to look for another daycare again? Sigh. What to do?

07-16-2012, 01:05 PM
YIKES! Never mind what I think as a provider but as just a parent I would start my search for other care. If someone has a few drinks in the evening... whatever everyone is entitled. That's not the big deal. Calling you asking for payment early, spilling details about personal things, admitting she is broke (HELLO? How is she going to feed your son quality food without money), calling you at work.. no way. Red flags all over the place. It sucks to look for new care but seriously I wouldn't trust that woman.

07-16-2012, 01:18 PM
I would be finding a new provider ASAP. That is completely unacceptable on her part.

07-16-2012, 02:15 PM
Seriously though who does that??

Inspired by Reggio
07-16-2012, 02:53 PM
Wow ~ I agree that what one person does on their own time is their own business as long as it does not impact the service being provided to you ~ however the minute she called a CLIENT it was no longer her own time she made that 'business time' ... IMO calling a client while drunk is unprofessional, calling a client while drunk and asking for a 'front' on your payment is unprofessional, calling a client and airing your personal dirty divorce laundry is unprofessional .... the fact that her personal life is obviously having an impact on her BUSINESS would be cause for concern for me and sorry but when it comes to the safety and well being of CHILDREN no second chances in this regard ~ a provider exhibiting signs like this is IMO grounds for immediate termination .... if she is spiraling that out of control it could affect her judgement and reaction time with the children :(

IMO she should be taking a leave of absence until she gets her 'personal life' straighten out including her fiances ~ how will she be feeding the children or meeting her program obligations to you if her bank assets are frozen???

And seriously ~what time do you send your child there in the morning cause if it is EARLY like most of us who start at 7ish in the morning that is just SCARY for her to be impaired at 9pm???? IMO being IMPAIRED in both judgement and what seemed like intoxication less than 10 hours before having to start work caring for children is NOT COOL .... depending on how much she had had to drink to get to that point of 'calling you' she could likely still be blowing over this morning while 'on the job'????

Based on what you've shared I would be inclined to be either putting my 'foot' down with my concerns and giving her a clear 'goal for improvement of behavior' or I would be pulling my child if she cannot keep her personal life separate from her 'business and program'.

07-16-2012, 03:00 PM
WOAH WOAH WOAH. As a mother, i would look for a new provider. If she's drunk enough to be broke when she needs money and can drunk dial a client, she clearly has a problem. I'd hate to think her problem slithers into her work day. I would look ASAP

07-16-2012, 03:01 PM
Wow . . . I would give notice. She crossed a line.

07-16-2012, 03:26 PM
I would be very concerned about the quality of care the children are receiving. If there is no money left for her own needs you can be pretty sure given her behaviour last night that she isn't putting the food and programming for the daycare highest on the list of expenditures. Also emotionally it doesn't sound like her days with the children are in the best frame of mind - especially if she sees them merely as her ticket to another evening binge. I would be walking on the grounds of safety immediately - and as a provider I would say no you are not required to give paid notice of your intent to leave since you have removed your child due to safety concerns.

07-16-2012, 06:07 PM
As a mother I would say, yes get your child out of there. As a daycare provider I am appalled at the unprofessional behaviour displayed by the woman.

07-24-2012, 10:06 AM
wow! this is not a good thing. Find somewhere else for him to go

07-24-2012, 10:16 AM
Curious; was there ever an explanation offered? How did you resolve it?

Judy Trickett
07-24-2012, 12:28 PM
NOT COOL. :no: