View Full Version : Preventing and dealing with infections

02-08-2011, 03:51 PM

I would like to talk about common illnesses. How you prevent and deal with common childhood infections? Do you take any specific measures to stop them from spreading?


02-08-2011, 04:29 PM
a strong illness policy and for disinfecting I used a medical grade cleaner - same one they use to clean medical supplies. Safe for the kids and kills everything.

Mrs. Laurie
02-08-2011, 05:24 PM
I agree with littlebugsdaycare. Clean all your toys especially the toys that go in the child's mouth. clean not just the toys but also all your taps and door handles, light switches, back of the chairs everywhere little hands might touch and big hands too! LOL!

02-08-2011, 07:38 PM
Disinfecting toys on a regular basis as stated by the other posters, constant handwashing before meals and after being outside and my pet peeve of all - shopping carts! I urge the Moms in my daycare to carry a small package of wipes in their purses to wipe their child's fingers after shopping or coming out of a mall. I see children at a doctor's office or public place playing with germy toys then putting their fingers on their face and they have just contaminated themselves!

Play and Learn
02-09-2011, 11:24 AM
Agree with all above posters.

If one of my babies puts a toy in his/her mouth, and then drops it, I pick it up and put it in the sink. Weekly wipe downs are necessary (especially with infants and toddlers!). Anything that can go in the washing machine goes in once a week!

Momof4 - I hate doctors offices - my mom would never let me play with those toys (thank god!).

Just the common wash your hands when coming inside from playing, washing your hands after toilet routine (including parents/caregivers), washing your hands before lunch/snacks.

Hubby and I only use Vinegar and Water when cleaning - much more environment friendly!

02-12-2011, 07:39 AM
Yup, I agree. Keep things clean and enforce your illness policy

02-12-2011, 07:19 PM
How do you handle a parent who knows your illness policy but says oh they are just not feeling well they are not throwing up so it is ok.I had 1 parent 2x now show up with there toddler and older sibbling I have before school only to announce the older 1 is not feeling well and not going to school.So now i have a 7 year old lying on the couch surrounded by curious toddlers.IMO i say to sick for school to sick for daycare and have said as much to her but she seems to choose not to hear.The first time this happened everyone started getting sick myself and hubby included now to be fair there was a bug going around and I know of people that got it that had never been to my place but that same week my friend visited with her daughter and the very next night her daughter was sick.Second time everyone else was fine maybe cause i learned from the first go round and went lysol crazy lol

02-13-2011, 10:52 AM
You need to refuse care at the door. Im my ilness policy it also states the care can also be refused for illness "at the providers discresion". There is no way I would allow a child in care who was too "sick for school".

03-06-2011, 08:12 PM
I have in my contract that a parent lying about the childs health is grounds for terminating care. I had one DCK show up covered in a rash that his grandma did not know were it came from. She did not think it was an issue. I told her when a doctor has checked the rash and cleared the child he can come back. She was mad that I refused care that day. A few months later I did terminate the contract with this family but only after the grandma (DCK lived with her and his dad) spoke to another DCK very rudely and made him cry.