09-25-2012, 02:06 PM
Hey guys!
Just wondering if you guys had any ideas as to what to do with my before and after school kids? The morning is kinda crazy but the after school part is a bit...well...it's insane!! I have a 5 & 10 yr old and then a 4 yr old who is every other day at school and the other days he's full days with me. I also have a 2 yr old, my own 17 month old and 11 month old who is full days 3 days/wk. The kids during the day are awesome but when the school aged kids get thrown in the mix the hr before and after school are a killer and everyone goes crazy!!
If it's nice out we play outside after our snack but unfortunately our back yard isn't the greatest and when it's a tiny bit wet outside it turns into mud so we don't get to go out there all the time especially now that it's starting to rain all the time (this is the best because the parents can just take them straight from the yard). I hate to use tv but quite often I have to use a movie the last 20 minutes to keep pick up as calm as possible. They do like crafts so sometimes that works as well.
Do you guys have any other ideas that have helped you get through that last hr of the day so I can keep mixing it up?
Thanks so much!!
Just wondering if you guys had any ideas as to what to do with my before and after school kids? The morning is kinda crazy but the after school part is a bit...well...it's insane!! I have a 5 & 10 yr old and then a 4 yr old who is every other day at school and the other days he's full days with me. I also have a 2 yr old, my own 17 month old and 11 month old who is full days 3 days/wk. The kids during the day are awesome but when the school aged kids get thrown in the mix the hr before and after school are a killer and everyone goes crazy!!
If it's nice out we play outside after our snack but unfortunately our back yard isn't the greatest and when it's a tiny bit wet outside it turns into mud so we don't get to go out there all the time especially now that it's starting to rain all the time (this is the best because the parents can just take them straight from the yard). I hate to use tv but quite often I have to use a movie the last 20 minutes to keep pick up as calm as possible. They do like crafts so sometimes that works as well.
Do you guys have any other ideas that have helped you get through that last hr of the day so I can keep mixing it up?
Thanks so much!!