10-17-2012, 01:40 PM
I would like to know what parents do for evening if they work days, or evening changing all the time?
do you just get a babysitter and or does your daycare help you out?
I am worried that I will not be able to find evening care i would rather it be in the home so bedtime routines can be followed still.. How do I find a babysitter? It would be in the Airdrie area
It sounds like looking for a nanny would benefit your situation most! Since they only work for you, it's very possible that they will have more flexibility hours wise as well as be able to care for your children in your home. Good luck!
10-17-2012, 02:33 PM
I would look for a responsible person to maybe come in to your home, someone maybe a friend could refer? I would not suggest trying to find a provider who will do evening care, in my opinion any provider who will do evening care is doing it for the money rather than the true interest of the child. I shouldn't say any provider, but most providers. Being a provider I can tell you, there is no way I could provide care all day and then have kids in the evening, I would go crazy, you need time to yourself, time for your family, and time to unwind. Who knows though, there may be providers out there that only do evenings? I would go with a responsible young adult or nanny, if I were you. :) good luck!