View Full Version : Dressed in the Best!

06-08-2011, 07:48 AM
Holy Jeez!! Why does one of my moms always dress her the best clothes for daycare?

I ended up taking her dress off at morning snack and I put her into one of my sons onsies as it was warm and she needed something comfortable to play in. I put her back in the dress by home time, but told mom that she had not wore it all day.
On one hand I am flattered she feels she must "dress up" for me lol but come on!
I felt like letting her wear the dress in the backyard when we

06-08-2011, 08:02 AM
Either mom needs a reality tour of what really goes on in a typical daycare day of play or help with her laundry so the child didn't have to wear the only clean thing in her closet,lol. I totally hear you on the inappropriate clothing kids come in. The overalls with buckles and ties on potty training toddlers, outfits that zip up the back but have no crotch snaps for changing so you literally strip the child and then put them on the change mat. You might try asking the mom how she would have felt if you had let the child play in the mud in her good dress. And also how she things the child would have felt if she had been excluded from the fun because of how she was dressed.

06-08-2011, 08:18 AM
I don't change kids clothes. I would of let her play in that dress all day. If it got dirt and stained...not my problem.

Judy Trickett
06-08-2011, 09:30 AM
I let them play in whatever they came in. If her Sunday dress was covered in paint and dirt and chalk when she left then so be it. It's not rocket science - kids get dirty when they play. I won't be responsible for any "good" clothes getting ruined. And I also won't change kids to save their clothes.

Play and Learn
06-08-2011, 10:54 AM
Exactly what Judy stated. The parents dress their kid, the kid plays in that. I do not change what they came in. Parents come to pick up and are pissed off - it's their own god-damned fault. Dress your child READY for daycare.

06-08-2011, 10:58 AM
My daughter still goes to daycare, and she is always dressed up in nice dresses. But I did tell the her daycare provider that she was not to care about her getting dirty. Of course, if the dress causes problem for her to play, then she would tell me! I don't care if she gets dirty, I don't mind about the dresses either as they need to be worn out!

My advice, let her play and get dirty! If it's a problem with mom, next time she wont dress her that way. If it's not a problem, then mom will continue dressing her that way!

Second advice: Ask the mom if she cares. Tell her that her daughter will get dirty. You see what she thinks!


06-08-2011, 11:35 AM
Typically, I let my 3 year old choose her clothes.. it is just easier on me- as long as it is weather appropriate I really do not care. Example- she wore a red satin holiday dress to preschool- I sent a note- that if it got dirty I would not care- I would hate to think I was giving her teacher extra work!

Judy Trickett
06-08-2011, 11:37 AM
Typically, I let my 3 year old choose her clothes.. it is just easier on me- as long as it is weather appropriate I really do not care. Example- she wore a red satin holiday dress to preschool- I sent a note- that if it got dirty I would not care- I would hate to think I was giving her teacher extra work!

I agree kids, at some point, should be able to decide what to wear as long as it is weather appropriate. Quite frankly I don't care if they come in a tutu and snow pants as long as they are able to play in them and the parents don't care if they get messed up.

I think you are right on the mark.

06-08-2011, 12:06 PM
I wrote in my contract that children are to come in PLAY clothes and clothes that can get dirty or stained during the day and from our daily activities i.e outdoor time and crafts, etc

I literally wrote in my contract that children should not come in their Sunday best. lol

On occassion I have been frustrated because I would warn parents we are going to have a messy paint day or go to Early Years and paint and then children would show up wearing white that day. Ahhh

I also hate onesies. Sometimes they hang down during diaper changes and get dirty and then I have to strip an entire toddler. Tee shirt undershirts would be so much better than closing snaps and having to remember to close all the buttons.

Ever had a onesie and then realize an hour later (while you walk down the sidewalk) that the 'flap' is hanging out? lol :o:woot:

06-08-2011, 01:16 PM
I wrote in my contract that children are to come in PLAY clothes and clothes that can get dirty or stained during the day and from our daily activities i.e outdoor time and crafts, etc

I literally wrote in my contract that children should not come in their Sunday best. lol

On occassion I have been frustrated because I would warn parents we are going to have a messy paint day or go to Early Years and paint and then children would show up wearing white that day. Ahhh

I also hate onesies. Sometimes they hang down during diaper changes and get dirty and then I have to strip an entire toddler. Tee shirt undershirts would be so much better than closing snaps and having to remember to close all the buttons.

Ever had a onesie and then realize an hour later (while you walk down the sidewalk) that the 'flap' is hanging out? lol :o:woot:

I hate onesies too! I always forget to do up the snaps and the kids do then have flaps hanging down :) I put dresses (more like sundresses) on my daughter, but they are play dresses and I have no problem if the get dirty. Also, they are cool and comfortable and she can easily play in them. I wouldn't change a child who came in formal wear....just let her play in it and the parents will learn (or perhaps warn them at the beginning of the day in case, if it is the first time).

06-08-2011, 03:11 PM
I totally would have let her crawl/run around and get filthy. Mom probably wasn't even thinking, except about how cute and sweet little sunshine looks in the outfit. Yup, I would have kept her in it. Although, it sounds like you changed her so she was comfortable, not just because you were worried about the dress.
I don't have it in my contract, but I do warn parents that I make no promises that the shiny and squeaky clean kid they drop off in the morning will be coming home that way! In my experience, a dirty kid is usually a happy one, if that makes sense. :P

06-13-2011, 02:19 PM
UGH, drives me crazy when the parents say, oh if you are going to do anything messy today or eating anything that will stain, could you please change her clothes. Hello, we do messy stuff EVERYDAY! I tell parents in the interview that the kids get dirty and I think that a clean kid is a bored kid, lol. I will not change them, send them in play clothes for crying out loud. One exception is, if we are having a special day, photo day, princess day, halloween etc. then I will change them.
I also tell parents if they are going anywhere straight from daycare and need a clean presentable child, to please let me know ahead of time and I will gladly have them .washed and changed for pick up.
I let my kids wear fancy stuff to school if they want and tell the Teacher straight out, please don`t worry about stains and messes, if they are wearing it to school I fully expect them to get dirty.