View Full Version : Sleeping Room Question

03-22-2013, 07:37 AM
Hi There!

Question: where do your day care kids sleep? in a designated sleeping room? all together in the basement/play area? I'm trying to re-arrange as I've got 2 full timers that sleep in the sleep room, and 2 that sleep in the living room and I am considering moving them together and cant decide if they should all be moved to the basement/play area, or if I should try and fit them all into the sleep room. TIA :)

apples and bananas
03-22-2013, 07:58 AM
This is always a tough one for me. I run my daycare on the main floor. I used to sleep a few upstairs (the younger ones ) and the older ones in the daycare room. The problem is that It really limited my own access to my home during quiet time. I couldn't watch my tv. I had to tip toe walking around etc. So, I"ve moved them all back upstairs. I sleep 2 together in one room and 2 in their own room.

In the fall I'll have 5 and the odd day this summer. So, on those summer days I will bring my big one down to the playroom... he'll be just about ready for quiet time vs. nap at that point anyways. And in the fall I'll have 2 under 2yrs and 3 over 2yrs. So, the 3 over will sleep in the same room and the 2 under will have their own room. .. I think... I'm still sorting all of that out.

My point is that it's important for me to have my own space at quiet time. I need to be able to do dishes without disrupting anyone. My husband needs to be able to come in and out of the house without worry of making too much noise. So, upstairs is my best solution. If I had a downstairs play area that's where they'd all be for sure!

03-22-2013, 07:59 AM

All my kids sleep in my basement daycare. I like don't like having everyone spread out and really like keeping my daycare contained to the basement.

03-22-2013, 07:59 AM
Really depends on the child; great nappers? Currently I have my 3 great sleepers in one room (my son is one of the 3 and they all sleep in his room: Toddler bed, crib & pack n play). I have one other (3 1/2 yr old) in my spare bedroom (on the bed we don't ever use otherwise). My 2 babies are in pack n plays each in separate other rooms. Ideally I would love all of the older ones on cots in my playroom (babies can remain in pack n plays where they are). But, they sleep so well in the current arrangement I hate to mess with it (even with a pack n play in every bedroom!). My one baby is a screamer/talker all through nap time...not a good sleeper...don't see being able integrate him in with others.

03-22-2013, 08:08 AM
I have 4 kids sleeping in one area and the youngest in my bedroom in a pnp. Hopefully once she is a bit older I can integrate her with the others. I generally don't have any problems, however, one of my 4 (who is only here 2 days a week) is not a good sleeper, and he likes to talk loudly once he's awake. I used to have them in their own seperate rooms, but my husband hated how it took over the house, so I made the switch.

Crayola kiddies
03-22-2013, 09:04 AM
I have the oldest sleep in the playroom (basement) and the rest are in play pens , one in each of my upstairs bedrooms. Everyone gets a good sleep and I don't have to worry about waking anyone up while I putter in the kitchen. I have fans running so If someone wakes up early and cries they don't wake the others up.

03-22-2013, 11:24 AM
I also have a question about sleep......I have 2-2year olds (1 is mine so he sleeps in his bed) and the other is in a pp in my room......now I have another 1 year old starting in 3 weeks...The 1 1 year old I have now will not sleep anywhere but my couch :( and I wish this to change she hates the pp and i don't know what to do but i need to get her sorted out before new baby starts.....any advice or suggestions I have space for everyone to sleep separate..which I prefer just cannot have her on the couch I have tp constantly check on her and worry

03-22-2013, 11:52 AM
I have 5 that sleep in the dedicated naproom, and my own two sleep in their bedroom. It has always worked out great for me and they are all great sleepers. The room is pitch black with soundproof insulation on ceiling and the walls as well. It is an adjoining room off my basement playroom that we built specifically for daycare purposes.

03-22-2013, 01:24 PM
I also have a question about sleep......I have 2-2year olds (1 is mine so he sleeps in his bed) and the other is in a pp in my room......now I have another 1 year old starting in 3 weeks...The 1 1 year old I have now will not sleep anywhere but my couch :( and I wish this to change she hates the pp and i don't know what to do but i need to get her sorted out before new baby starts.....any advice or suggestions I have space for everyone to sleep separate..which I prefer just cannot have her on the couch I have tp constantly check on her and worry

I had a 1year old who would only sleep on the couch too...I transitioned him to a playpen by putting a thick blanket on the bottom for a softer surface and made it very cozy with a small pillow...I'd let him fall asleep on the couch and then move him to the playpen when he was in a deep sleep...it only took a week before I could just place him in the playpen and he'd fall asleep.

03-22-2013, 01:28 PM
Those that are in playpens and take two naps are in family bedrooms. The naproom is our mainfloor diningroom playroom. Right now I have two in there on mats and three playpens in use but looking to transition the 18 month old to the naproom. I will start by putting his playpen down as it is now - same bedding till he gets the hang of going to sleep with others around. Then I will move him to a mat with his bedding but have playpen up too. If he doesn't stay on mat he will go back in playpen. Usually they like the freedom and comfort of the mat and transition ok. He is a good sleeper once asleep so we will see. Other one I have is stubborn to the point of spiteful so if I said lay down she would look at me and just scream so she will be upstairs for months to come. New baby of course still in the learning how to go to sleep mode so up there in his own room.

03-22-2013, 01:53 PM
I have them in a sleeping room, just my daughter goes upstairs to her room. I like having everyone down stairs for sleep so I can catch up on some house work and don't worry about waking them.

03-22-2013, 07:38 PM
THANK YOU PATTY CAKE shes a sound sleeper to so that is brilliant not sure why I didnt think of that. THANKS :)