View Full Version : Swatting, face grabbing

05-15-2013, 01:03 PM
I have a 1 yo who has gotten really bad at swatting and grabbing the other kid's faces. The parents are also redirecting her at home as I am "no hitting, gentle" and they are being vigilant about trimming her nails. I have been monitoring when it is happening and it seems to be when a kid gets in her space but also when she tries to interact with others. I have also been redirecting the other kids to keep their faces away from her to prevent further injury.

Any other ideas?

05-15-2013, 01:17 PM
I have the same thing here on a daily basis. I have all one year olds in my care. I give a 3 strikes rule. I re direct, show them how to be "gentle and nice" to their friends and if it happens after 3 times they go into my time out playpen that is set up in the dining room in plain sight where they can see everyone for a time out.
If the hitting and defiance continues, I find that at this age its because they are usually tired. Mine only go about 3 hours between their morning and afternoon nap.

05-15-2013, 01:25 PM
That's interesting as she has only recently dropped her morning nap. Dropping the nap was more because she had to to come to my daycare then she was really ready.

05-15-2013, 01:39 PM
I would say 80-90% of the issues we face in daycare is because of dealing with kids who are lacking sleep for one reason or another. I have an 18 month old right now that still needs a morning nap but mom wants it stopped as let's face it child isn't learning much and at her 18 month check up doctor was concerned. They are making changes like aiming for an earlier bedtime than 9 pm which it was before but sorry I can only listen to your child scream when other kids come into her space for so long before I need to find her a space of her own - playpen in bedroom. She is down to just over an hour from over 2 hours so the earlier bedtime is working and hopefully they will get it even earlier. At the same time a tired child kept awake from naptime isn't going to learn anything anyways and our bodies need sleep to mature so it becomes a vicious circle. Mom is scared I think since doctor wants to see child in two months to see how she is improving. Think it is more to make sure parents are on board but for sure she is behind the other 18 month old I have in care by a long shot. They all learn in their own ways in their own time and while it is nice to see a doctor be proactive and not just say oh well it is also hard to be on the other side saying child just needs time to catch up and we need to give her space.