View Full Version : Hungry before next meal

06-27-2013, 11:45 AM
I have a 15 mos old who has been with me for 3 mos and adjusted really well. Lately I have found she isn't hungry at morning snack (8:30) and will kind of pick at her food but then will be ferociously hungry (crying, screaming) at 10 when we are outside that we have had to come inside the past 2 days. I think she might be eating a later breakfast in the mornings now which has pushed her whole schedule back. How strict is everyone with the "no eating between meals" when it comes to an infant? I have been giving her a small snack like a banana but then all the kids want one and of course can't understand why the babies can eat but they have to wait until lunch.

I thought I would ask the parents tonight if her breakfast time has changed and go from there. I also thought maybe bringing milk outside for her might tide her over. She isn't a milk drinker really but maybe I can make her one. Any other ideas? I really don't want to do another snack and although the babies have always still eaten at lunch, any grazing effects all my 3 year olds who do not eat their lunch. They are all such good eaters now that I make them wait!

FYI- she is also a small baby (not skinny but definitely not chunky) so she doesn't have the "stores" that my 17 mos old has!

06-27-2013, 11:46 AM
I joke with the parents that she has a tape worm as this kid eats a lot!

Trace of Angels
06-27-2013, 12:07 PM
I had the same thing happen with one of my little ones. I serve morning snack at 9:15 am now instead of 8:30. But my opening time is 7:30 and I found that most of them weren't hungry at 8:30 but the one little girl was starving by lunch.
Is that something you can do, push morning snack later.......that is if you don't open too early.
It's hard to balance all these schedules sometimes isn't it torontokids?
Oh got your message and totally forgot......replying right now. So sorry, been a little crazy around here :-)

06-27-2013, 12:17 PM
I would love to do snack a little later however we spend so much time outside I would really rather not as it would cut into our outside time (we are outside from 8:45/9-11) in the morning. Maybe I will try and push it back a bit just by doing potty and sunscreen first then snack. I just emailed the mom and it turns out she has been doing breakfast this week and she eats a lot more for her then dad. She said she'll get dad to feed her next week and see if it changes things. Funny.

06-27-2013, 12:32 PM
I have a little one like this. She doesn't arrive until 15/20 mins before snack and has just eaten. I offer snack and if she doesn't eat, I bring some milk when we are out. That usually holds her over and I put her in the high chair and feed her lunch first. I recently pushed my morning snack back a bit because the kids were watning to stay outside longer but were getting hungry. A couple times a week I also do snack in the backyard or at the park and the kids love that. Allows them to graze a little while playing but they are still ready for lunch time.

06-27-2013, 01:11 PM
What about having snack outside? I used to do this a lot as my snacktime used to be 9am...I would pack it all up and they would either eat it at the park or in the back yard. I serve snack at 8:30 now, but that's because I serve lunch at 11 and if I serve snack too late, they are not hungry for lunch. What time do you serve lunch? Could you move that up a bit as well?

06-27-2013, 01:18 PM
I would continue to offer her snack with the others but for sure talk to the parents and ask about her morning routine. I do snack at 8:30 so that those doing a morning nap can have one before going down and those that ate early and came early can top up.

But I also give a drink of milk mid morning around 10:00 so the older kids are at the table with their drink while I get the babies and bring them to the kitchen for a drink. The drink for the older ones is the ending to our group time. No food just a drink. It tides them over to lunch but is not enough to over fill them, keeps the blood sugars in balance, the grumpies from dehydration staved off and keeps them where I know what they are doing while I get the babies up so it works well for me.

06-27-2013, 01:30 PM
I would love to do snack a little later however we spend so much time outside I would really rather not as it would cut into our outside time (we are outside from 8:45/9-11) in the morning. Maybe I will try and push it back a bit just by doing potty and sunscreen first then snack. I just emailed the mom and it turns out she has been doing breakfast this week and she eats a lot more for her then dad. She said she'll get dad to feed her next week and see if it changes things. Funny.

why not bring something outside for morning snack? i have a picnic table and like to bring an easy snack outside. in the morning i dont do a big snack because i found that nobody ate lunch so I will take out crackers and veggies or banana bread or arrowroot biscuits. nothing too messy and water in their cups to keep hydrated. seems to work. I wouldnt be bring everyone inside because of one little one. she needs to get on schedule.