View Full Version : I want to curl up into a ball and cry :(

07-10-2013, 09:25 AM
My own children are driving me crazy.... I just want to cry :( I have a 3 year old and 16 month old and am taking care of a couple other children. The daycare children are no problem... very easy and listen. My own two children, on the other hand, are driving me crazy! My 3 year old goes around stealing toys, hitting and pushing, and never listen to a thing I say. My 16 month old follows me around crying at my feet to always be held. Why are my own children never happy? Do I just have the worst behaving kids ever? I honestly want to ship my own children off to another daycare and just watch other people's children... today is just not a good day. Both of my kids have been screaming and crying at me all morning :(

Other Mummy
07-10-2013, 09:58 AM
This unfortunately is very common. I just finished telling my husband that I cannot wait for my own two girls (4 and 2.5) to start school. I could do my job so much more peacefully.

07-10-2013, 10:18 AM
Yes I agree with other mommy :) When ds starts school there are going to be parts of the day that are so peaceful:) Chin up, we all go through it :)

07-10-2013, 11:44 AM
oh I feel for you! And I fully understand. My son (4 1/2) hates having other children around and really acts out. He really clashes with my older dkg (4) too. I hate the days I have them both. I'm still nursing my 18 mth old daughter and she wants mommy time all the time. It's a tough job! It was much easier when my boy was in school. Thankfully the nursing is slowing down, but then we deal with jealousy LOL.... Hang in there- we will survive :)

07-10-2013, 11:48 AM
Sounds like my kids right now! I'm sure [I hope] they'll get over it!

Trace of Angels
07-10-2013, 11:58 AM
My 6 year old is the same. I actually send him to daycamp with his peers three days a week right now. It seems to give him a good balance. He is not used to being around the little ones all day and doesn't seem to get why they have different (age appropriate) behaviours than he does. It seems to be helping and he still has two weekdays and two weekend days at home with me. My little guy, now 2.5 has no issues at all. I have been running the daycare since he was 6 months old though so I think that helped as he probably doesn't remember a time when there was just him and mommy!
I know two other daycare providers in the area that do a swap with their own kids 1-2 days a week as they find it hard also.
I know this is not a lot of help or advise but know that we are all here for you and you are not alone in this challenge (((((( hugs ))))))) I hope it gets better soon :-)

07-10-2013, 11:58 AM
Thanks for the support! Now that the kids are down for a nap, I just can't stop crying... my eldest is just such a handful... it's so hard when it is day in and day out of her not listening to anything, constantly hurting other kids, never sharing toys, always playing rough, destroying something in the house, screaming at me, hitting me, throwing temper tantrums, etc... Honestly it just sucks to be around her. The kicker is she is great for everyone else except me :(

Trace of Angels
07-10-2013, 12:10 PM
The old saying is very true in children especially "you always hurt the ones you love the most"
:-( More big hugs for you!!!!!!

07-10-2013, 12:16 PM
I totally feel your pain! I can't wait for summer to be over so my 5 year old son goes back to school! I love him, but having him with the daycare is soooooo hard! My 3 year old is easier, but sometimes gets to be as well (she's throwing a fit in her room at the moment actually). Just breath and remember that they will go to school eventually ;)

07-10-2013, 12:21 PM
I have a 3 year old and 16 month old as well! My 3 year old gives me the most challenge in my day...and several times a day he is either in his room for alone time until he can come back and play nicely with the daycare kids (not grabbing toys or bugging) or in time out because he has pushed. I have cried a lot about my decision to stay home since I opened my daycare in January, because my own children give me such a hard time and I feel so guilty and horrible! I could totally do this job with a constant smile on my face when all my kids are in school...but until then, I need a change as no one is happy!! Good luck! You are not alone!

Trace of Angels
07-10-2013, 12:29 PM
Why does it always seem that the first born child always comes with the most challenges????????

07-10-2013, 12:35 PM
Why does it always seem that the first born child always comes with the most challenges????????

Seriously! It's so true! Pretty much everyone I talk to says their first born is the most challenging and demanding. Maybe it's because at the beginning it was just them, and they got used to getting all of the attention. During the school year, I have my 3 year old in preschool a couple days per week, and the whole daycare dynamics are so much more peaceful... everyone gets along great and is happy. I, sadly, have to wait another year for my eldest to be in school :( I used to think that full day kindergarten wasn't a good idea for a 4 year old, but now I can't wait... I sound like a horrible mother, but this behaviour is awful to deal with everyday!

Trace of Angels
07-10-2013, 12:53 PM
I do think that it is so true and I think it stays that way because when my husband acts up I always say to him "You are such a first born child" LOL not sure if it's that or if he is just being a man though :laugh:

And you don't at all sound like a horrible mother......I never understood that "Staples" back to school commercial until recently........"it's the most wonderful time of the year" !!!!!!!!!! I certainly did that dance last year and will be doing it again this September LOL

You are a human and a mother both come with many challenges! Don't be hard on yourself, you sound like a great Mum to me :)

07-10-2013, 12:59 PM
Awe, thank you! You have definitely made me feel better! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one feeling the way I do. Motherhood is definitely harder than what I thought it would be!

07-10-2013, 01:05 PM
You are not a horrible mother! I was eagerly awaiting my son starting school this past fall as well..LOL and now I am eagerly waiting for him to go back in September...LOL. I think it is very difficult for us moms because we have no back-up...it is just us with the kids alone all day and the wear us out! My kids are better when my husband is home...and I will admit to using the "just wait until your father gets home" line :o It can be so exhausting when they don't listen well. Today my kids were upstairs and out of the daycare for an hour or two in the morning (with relatives) and OMG it was quiet!!! I almost didn't know what to do with myself...I sort of just stood there wondering what to do for a little while as normally I don't have a moment to sit, to breath, or think. Then when they came back in the noise and activity level went up about 300% :( My son is very active...he is not aggressive, but needs to be doing something physical all the time...gets bored easily...and when he gets bored he bugs the other kids who are closest to his age (although they are all 3 and under). He drives me insane some days! Honestly, next summer I am putting him in summer camps for a good part of the summer because I don't think I can do this every summer.I get hard on myself too sometimes...feeling like I am not doinga good job because all the dck's follow my rules but my son is all over the place...when I feel like he should be a shining example for the other parents of how a child should behave :0 It's hard. Just try to hang in there, stay firm, try to take a break somehow in the evenings, and it will pass.