View Full Version : Transitioning - Random crying/screaming
08-10-2011, 09:16 PM
I am currently transitioning all 3 dc children-about 10 months old. It is early days-so some crying etc is to be expected. I have one child who does this really randomly-and sometimes can not be soothed-likely because there is nothing that really sets it off.
How long do all of you allow-for a child to properly transition before looking at a child's fit at your home care? I am just curious what is a reasonable amount of time.
08-10-2011, 09:40 PM
I know it can be brutal as I had an 11 month old do the same when she started in my care. It took 3 weeks for her to settle in! How long has it been?
08-10-2011, 09:55 PM
Hey Skysue! It has been like 2 seconds hahah! She has had a few days where she spends an hour (last week)-but she has only been in care 2 daycare days-so I understand it-it's still brand new! I just need to know there is a light at the end of this very loud tunnel. I have worked with children for a few years now-but forgot about this part when I decided to open my own daycare-it is really hard in the transition days-I feel like a ball of nerves at the end of the day and have never felt that way working with children before-but also have never had to transition all the daycare kids at once and on my own.
08-10-2011, 09:59 PM
it is really hard in the transition days-I feel like a ball of nerves at the end of the day and have never felt that way working with children before-but also have never had to transition all the daycare kids at once and on my own.
That said- the children who have been transitioning steadily over a couple of weeks are MUCH more calm, comfy and happy now :)
08-10-2011, 10:50 PM
Ooooh, honey.... I feel for ya. I haven't had to transition anyone for a while, but I remember!!
I would give it at least a month, longer if he/she is only part time or occasional. I find part timers can take 6 weeks or longer to settle in. That being said; it should at least start to get better after a couple of weeks.
In the meantime- got earplugs? ;) (kidding!!)
08-10-2011, 11:04 PM
Thanks- mom-in-alberta-the support is much appreciated! That is what I was thinking-a month :)
It is good to hear that I am not alone-I feel bad that I am finding transitions difficult-but THEY ARE difficult-and apparently for all of us :)
Well-I am glad that I can get some support-I think it helps make me a better provider for the little ones :) Thank you.
I will not transition more than one child at a time under the age of two. I also do not do part time for children under two. I find that it takes them so much longer to get into the swing of things when it is part time.
When I choose my families I keep several things in mind for this reason. I ask the parents if they have a comfort item they can bring to make it easier or a shirt that smells like mom. I also do not accept babies with parents that practice attachment parenting. It is very hard for those children to transition I find. I am an advocate of that style, but not if a child is going to day home. A nanny might suit that parenting style better. :) I find out how the self soothing looks for the child to determine if they need more than I can reasonably give. I find out what boundaries look like so far for baby. If a parent picks up the child every time they cry for six months before they come to day home, chances are it is going to make for some very frustrating days for the other day home children.
I do spend LOTS of time with the child and divert attention all day.