View Full Version : A question for parents when you're choosing a home daycare.....

08-03-2013, 06:15 AM
When you're choosing a home daycare, would field trips - the ones that necessitate travel by vehicle - be a factor in your decision? Would you prefer a provider that offers this?


08-03-2013, 10:33 AM
Caregiver here but yes that has been a question parents have asked me and there are groups on both sides. I don't take kids out by car and many of the parents that choose me like that because they want their children where they left them so to speak and not out and about. Others don't choose me because they think their toddlers need trips to museums and far away places. To me those are the privilege of the parent to share with their child just as I did with my own and not my place but that is just me.

For sure I would make a decision on if you are going to use your car or not, get proper insurance and then let interviewing parents know that this a non negotiable part of your daycare and let them decide accordingly whether to choose you or not.

08-03-2013, 12:13 PM
I think it totally depends on the parent. Some prefer you stick close to home while others love the fact that you take them out and about. I am a "out and about" daycare provider. I travel with the children in my van 1-2 times per week to other great playgrounds around the city, playgroups, hiking trails, the library and occasionally places that charge admission like our children's museum or an indoor playground. I, and the children love the change in scenery for new experiences and new faces to interact with. I have never had an interview wherein a parent had any concerns about me taking them out, and I've never had an interview that didn't result in a request for the space. But I think it all just depends on the parent and their personal preference!

Trace of Angels
08-03-2013, 04:18 PM
I am an out and about daycare provider too. I feel children learn so much from the world around them. I do lots of field trips. The children have the rest of their lives to be in the same four walls day in and day out (school) and they learn so much at such a young age so why not show them the world around them.
However I know some parents that go to specific daycare providers that stay home as they feel that is more safe. But that's not me. It's really a personal choice of the parent I think.

08-03-2013, 06:39 PM
I am a caregiver that is out and about but does not use my car, I use public transit or walk with my large stroller up to 5km away. Everyone chose me because of my field trips. I don't feel comfortable driving them myself (I am a relatively new driver), but love the public transit in my city and the bus drivers are very friendly and accommodating to us. The kids love the bus ride more than the destination sometimes, and they take turns pushing the stop button, paying the fare, etc. So that's also an option, depending on where you live.

08-04-2013, 02:35 PM
I'm another caregiver who travels 3-4 times a week and I make it clear up front in the email or phone conversations before the interview. It's a big part of the way my daycare works so it's one of the things I make sure we talk about when I'm weeding out the potential family interviews. No use wasting time. We travel by city bus and by foot. If the parents are looking for something different you won't hear from them again.

08-24-2013, 01:53 PM
Why have no parents responded to this thread? This question was directed at parents and only providers have answered. Anyways, I'm a parent and if a provider states that she takes the kids in the car on field trips I wouldn't choose them. My son is 20 months old and I feel he is too young to be traveling in a provider's car around and about. I don't care if the provider has a perfect driving record; it's other drivers on the road that can cause a problem. The two providers my son has been with have been great. They travel by stroller or wagon to the park, mall, restaurant. There is no reason for my child to be traveling in a provider's car. Once my son reaches school age, that's when I would allow field trips through the school bus.

08-24-2013, 02:34 PM
I am a provider but a mother also. I am sure there are many great providers who are responsible when taking their group out, but too many times I have seen providers just "dump" their kids at the playground, only to sit on a bench and chat with friends while crawling babies are getting into dangerous situations or toddlers waiting forever for a push on the swing...having witnessed this and other scenarios too many times I would never choose a provider who takes kid out. Especially considering that we care for such a young age group, I don't feel it's necessary to be out and about all the time. There is plenty to do for the littles ones in the safety of the day home.

08-24-2013, 02:40 PM
Island29, thanks for responding to the thread, we appreciate your opinion. Typically, only home daycare providers use this forum but parents are welcome and it would be very helpful to all of us if more parents would give their honest opinions as you did.

All daycare providers are different, we all live in different places and have different philosophies about what is good for children in regard to travelling, exercise, exploring and teaching inside and outside, etc. That's why I said in my post that it's important for parents to find out how the daycare runs, for example if they travel or not, before the interview, so time isn't wasted. There are so many different things to talk about when you are searching for the perfect daycare match for your family. This is just one area.

08-24-2013, 04:00 PM
I am a provider but a mother also. I am sure there are many great providers who are responsible when taking their group out, but too many times I have seen providers just "dump" their kids at the playground, only to sit on a bench and chat with friends while crawling babies are getting into dangerous situations or toddlers waiting forever for a push on the swing...having witnessed this and other scenarios too many times I would never choose a provider who takes kid out. Especially considering that we care for such a young age group, I don't feel it's necessary to be out and about all the time. There is plenty to do for the littles ones in the safety of the day home.

I totally respect your opinion, but this seems like more of an observation of bad caregivers then field trips or outings. I would be inclined to think that a person that would ignore the kids and let them get into unsafe situations while in the public eye would be even MORE inclined to ignore the kids behind closed doors. I certainly wouldn't let it make me feel safer that my kids were trapped in a back yard or a house that could easily have similar hazards or situations if my provider was that distracted. Not saying it doesn't happen; as I have seen those types of caregivers out at the park too. I just don't think that level of care is related to field trips or outings. I also am not necessarily sitting on the benches chatting away at the park, but firmly believe children need to learn how to use the park equipment safely. I will encourage them and stand close by if they are learning a new skill, but if they need "help" to get up to somewhere high, then they are not developmentally ready, and it gives them a goal to work towards. I generally don't pick parks that are crowded and usually not ones with swings because it is hard to push 5 or 6 toddlers at once. Yes, little ones don't "need" outings, but the days I do go are so appreciated by both the children and parents. It is also nice for everyone (including me!) to have a change of scenery every now and again, even if it is just a slightly different route on our walk. I also hear stories about what we did for weeks afterward and that makes it worth it to me. Not for everyone, but definitely another side of the coin to consider.

08-24-2013, 09:21 PM
I will often take my kids out to the park (while I admire the skill of many caregivers, I often find myself cringing at the lack of supervision of others). I also try to take the children on 2 other "field trips during the year". We often plan a farm trip in the fall and a zoo trip in the spring. I always tell the parents way ahead of time what I am planning in order to get the general feel of their reaction. I never plan a trip when their is a brand new family- they have to trust me first. I also run these trips s a school would- parents sign permission forms and are free to volunteer their time to come with us! I have never had a problem with this and parents know right from the interview that we do this.

08-24-2013, 11:19 PM
As I said before we travel 3-4 times a week to parks, the library, a splashpad all through the hot months and I LOVE meeting with friends who have their daycare children with them. We are the kind of caregivers who are constantly watching our children, helping them, blowing bubbles, handing out sidewalk chalk and sand toys, monitoring them when they are up high and counting to make sure we have all our children even though we know we would see them if they ran off. These are the types of caregivers I love and associate with because I'm that type of caregiver. I'm definitely NOT the one on the bench!

However, I understand! I have stopped associating with one caregiver who projects herself as perfection on forums but completely neglects her daycare kids because she's so busy on her phone and computer. It's true. It happens. I've seen it with my own eyes and it makes me sad and very angry.

08-25-2013, 11:06 PM
I am soooo impressed by you Momof4! Well, I'm impressed by all caregivers who go out that much with their charges. I tried the library thing for about 6 months and stopped as it was exhausting! I cater to mainly infants and toddlers and found the library trips too trying. We do the odd car excursion, but they're infrequent. I find the whole ordeal of installing the carseats and putting the kids in them very trying....then keeping everyone corralled at the library....dear doG! Too much for my taste! You're awesome! I have taken them to the beach, a reptile expo and of course, our painful trip to the mall every December to donate toys and visit Santa. They leave me weeping in the corner :( This year will be our last trip to visit Santa at the mall. I'm buying a Santa suit at the end of the season and getting my Dad to come up and do the job here....or the Awesome New Guy should he still be on the scene :) My preference for off site excursions is to a restaurant. I recently took 4 of my 5 infants and toddlers to a great Mexican restaurant in the area for a spontaneous lunch outing. It was fabulous! I can always count on staff to ooooh and aaaahhh over the kids and the funky, unusual foods are a blessing!

Kudos to all providers who do regular outings! May the force be with you!

08-26-2013, 01:38 PM
It takes a lot of training to get them to walk beside the stroller while their backpacks are attached to my wrists so the smallest 2 can ride in the double stroller. That's why we are able to go so many places because me little guys are experts at riding the buses by the time they are 2. I would NOT want to be stranded alone in my home. We love to get out and around in the community. My little 3yo dcb tells everyone we have 10 parks. That's a bit exaggerated, but we have lots of variety. It can be done if you put your mind to it, practice and be patient, just like anything else.

Artsand crafts
08-26-2013, 02:07 PM
My dck walk a lot every day too. My trick for getting them to behave in the library is having our long walk first so they just wanted to seat and read quietly in the library. No more energy for jumping there hehe...