View Full Version : Kids leaving for kindergarten

08-21-2013, 01:58 PM
I was wondering if anybody has any ideas of what to give the kids when they leave your Daycare to go to Kindergarten.
Like something from the daycare group? Poster, handprints.
I have had this girl forever.

08-21-2013, 02:52 PM
I was wondering if anybody has any ideas of what to give the kids when they leave your Daycare to go to Kindergarten.
Like something from the daycare group? Poster, handprints.
I have had this girl forever.

I give them a photo album of pictures that I have taken of their time here. I have a girl here that is leaving for kindergarten; she's been here for a year and a half. We're going to do relay type races and I'll make a treat. Maybe a movie as well.

08-21-2013, 02:53 PM
I get each child the book "have you filled your bucket today?" with a written note inside from me wishing them well and how much I loved having them at daycare. This author has slight variations with this theme in his other books. I then do a card with pictures of him/her at daycare.

apples and bananas
08-21-2013, 03:00 PM
I have one leaving too. I love the book idea!

08-21-2013, 03:07 PM
When kids leave I like to give the parents a cd with a collection of pictures on it from their time at daycare. I give parents the option to sign permission slips with their registrations allowing me to share their child's image with other parents (never on the internet though!). They all seem to appreciate it. I love the book idea- I also have a little girl going off to school (she's been with me since she was 14 months...little tear. :) )

08-21-2013, 08:06 PM
I will make a 8X10 collage using the pictures I've taken over the years in my care.

08-22-2013, 04:47 PM
I spend a couple of weeks making a keepsake scrapbook with all their days of daycare, their friends and a variety of all our crafting and playing since their first day wtih me. It's a lot of work so I don't buy any other gifts.

12-10-2013, 05:41 AM
If you want to have a look on your children even if he/she is in kindergarten, then maybe you should read about it: mykindergarten.co.uk . It should be very helpful in this case.

12-10-2013, 08:11 AM
I usually give them a book as well and often buy them an item of clothing. Something they can wear to their new school - usually a tshirt or similar so around $10. I have always had it seems at least one parent that is leery about pictures being shared so stopped even stressing on that on but do take a couple towards the end of the child's time I can give them - sort of a last day kind of thing.

What I did for a child that left in June and it went over really well is I found a set of people called Super Topplers by Roylco - basically little people in 5 colours. I made some green playdough and let the older kids play with the dough and a few of the people. We talked about all of the kids that were going to be at the school and making new friends. We pretended to walk the kids to school (green playdough was the play yard). The new "friends" talked to each other and they really enjoyed them. Then I put the dough in a container with a note and the box of people (the ones we played with in a small snack bag and the rest in the box - it is a box of 100 people. Added a bow and sent it home with the child.

http://childcare.scholarsch oice.ca/developing-math-skills/super-topplers.html

5 Little Monkeys
12-10-2013, 08:28 AM
I haven't had a child leave for school but when children leave my dc, I like to give them some pictures from their time here. I only give the ones that are only of their child. I keep the group photos and display around my dc before putting them in photo albums. I usually buy a toy/book/puzzle of something that I know they like. I did gift baskets this summer filled with ice cream toppings. It was something they could enjoy as a family.

For an older child leaving for school, I would likely do the pictures and then a book and a clothing item.