View Full Version : Criers....

09-06-2013, 09:00 AM
Have you ever had a child who just stands and cries for no reason? I have one and it grates on my nerves! Seriously, he is fed and rested. A bit of a "drama queen" when the word NO is said or redirected from what he should not be doing. I have several times just placed him in a pack n play alone to cry it out as I'm at the end. Like my parents used to say to me "I'll give you a reason to cry...." crosses my mind (and NO I wouldn't do that!). But I just don't know what to do with him at times. An only child who's parents do EVERYTHING for him (at 1 1/2 he should assist by moving arms and legs for putting clothing on/shoes etc. but just lays there like a lump on a log). He has made improvement as I refuse to do it all and he knows that. But even simple instructions he just stands and stares at you. On the other hand, he is a great kiddo as he sleeps very well and plays well and finds Joy in the simplest of things. OY.... I apologize as I needed to vent this morning, just hoping someone else feels my pain.

09-06-2013, 09:10 AM
I have not yet had the pleasure of having a child like this, but I am sure I will at some point. Sounds as if you are doing everything possible to set him straight. All we can do is be consistent and hope, pray, whatever you do, to get through the day. I hope things start to get better for you.

09-06-2013, 09:13 AM
Been there BIG time! My best advice is not to get emotional at ALL, as they feed off of it. IGNORE the behavior and praise like crazy when they are behaving positively.

I know it can be nerve racking but the more we ignore the more they understand that theres no getting any attention to that behaviour.

Maybe talk with the parents and let them know that you have started practicing getting dressed etc...and ask them to do the same!

09-06-2013, 09:22 AM
I just hope my neighbours understand when we are outside and he starts up.... But then both sides of me have young children too....

09-06-2013, 09:38 AM
Oh my! I have the same kid....only mine is 3! His mom severely micromanages him and I think that messes with his emotional stability.

Yesterday they were 2 hours late getting here. She said it was because he wanted to wear his puddle boots instead of the shoes she had out for him.... so she had a power struggle with him until she won and they managed to get here but 2 hours late! :rolleyes:

Then when the boy is here, he is so full of anxiety that he will literally stand around and just cry. (I used to think for no reason) but I am starting to think it is just his way of letting out steam from all the pent up anxiety his mom is putting on him.

I hope your crier starts smiling more!!