View Full Version : Lateness....

09-26-2013, 07:25 AM
what do you do if you need to get your child to school in time and the parents are late? I'm (at this moment) just inclined to leave and they can wait for my return. I need to walk my child to school and the whole trip is aprox 45 min there and back. hmph.

09-26-2013, 07:39 AM
Do the parents know what time you leave to walk your child to school? How late are they?

In most cases, I would definitely leave when you need to, and leave a note on the door. Their lateness should not interfere with your schedule.

Crayola kiddies
09-26-2013, 08:05 AM
I would post a note on your door saying "all drop offs must be before xxxx (time) as we walk (child's name) to school and won't return until xxx (time). Anyone not here by xxxx must wait till I return". Make the leaving time on the note 10 mins before your actual leaving time as you will get parents pushing the envelope and arriving right at the time you need to leave and making it all the more hectic. And then yes leave when you need to leave and anyone arriving while you are gone must wait as they have been warned

09-26-2013, 08:15 AM
yeah, I come home to a phone message- "Oh (hee hee) I forgot to call earlier... but..." They were already 1/2 hr late. I'm on the verge of terminating because this has happened before too. I'm only hanging on because they are done in December. hmph. I did leave a note, but I left my child crying at school because he sensed my frustration. yeah, I'm angry.

09-26-2013, 09:18 AM
I never left a note - just left. All parents were told in a newsletter the beginning of September - ie in writing what the morning routine would be like. I had chosen families such that their arrival and pick up times would enable me to get to the school and back as needed. So in the morning we would just leave when we needed to and that was it. We often stopped at a park to play as we took different routes home from the school. Somehow we always managed to be extra late getting back home on days a child was late too, lol. Usually didn't happen again at least for awhile. Also I never allowed them to meet me somewhere as I was not interested in lugging their bags, etc. too. So arrive before this time or sit and wait.

09-26-2013, 04:02 PM
Aw, poor you Funnyfarm & your poor little one too. You should definitely do what's best for your own family at all times while being fair with your clients. And I think that if someone is late without explanation that a note on the door is fair so that you can take care of your child. How rude of them!

09-26-2013, 04:40 PM
I've done "the note" before! Let them wait! It's funny (well, kind of LOL) because the same thing happened to me his morning. I was waiting for a family to show but I had to take my dcd to school. Sent a text saying I was leaving. Got a reply saying "oh (dcg) is sick and I'm staying home." Ah!

09-26-2013, 07:35 PM
I tell everyone at the beginning of the school year when I'm doing my runs, and send a reminder text for a few mornings but after that we are out the door and if you are late you have to wait outside my front door for me to return. Too many kids to coordinate, esp in winter months, to hang around wondering if someone is coming or not. I have a few families who are often between 7-730, as dad's are self employed and do the drop offs, so they are more likely to let their kids sleep in or whatever. Everyone is ok with me just going, they all know where I'm at and just wait.

09-28-2013, 07:09 AM
Once they experience having to wait for your return from school, I don't think they'll ever be late again. Some learn the hard way. :)

01-15-2014, 09:55 AM
Personally, I tell parents that I leave at this time in the morning for the school whether they are here or not. If they don't get here on time, that's too bad for them...they can wait until I get back. If I can get multiple kids and little ones ready on time to leave, then I'm sure they can get one child ready and drive to my house by this time!

01-15-2014, 10:44 AM
I too have sent letters home as well as reminders of what time we leave in the morning. I have said, if you are not here on the agreed time, and especially before we leave, then I assume that you are not returning. I need to drop off bus students and then walk over to the public school. In the nice weather we often stop and play at the park, so if you miss drop off, who knows what time we will get back! It is the parents fault!