View Full Version : Morning from hell

10-03-2013, 11:45 AM
I don't even know if I can express in words how stressful my morning was but I am hoping posting it will help me to feel better and I can move on.

DCB arrives and immediately starts bawling, DCG mom brings her girl shortly after and lingers a little too long (only 5 mins but felt like forever). Had to kick her out as the kids started to get a little crazy. New DCG arrives, no issue at all (awesome).

Start circle time. New DCG refuses to participate, has a choice can sit in the hall on timeout or join the group. Chooses to sit out. DCB still bawling but participating and is sitting on my lap which is calming him. Manage to make it through.

Snack time. No real surprises goes well. Kids want to finish what they were playing so I decide to delay going outside by 20 mins (why did I do this? this is when things started to go down hill).

Continue their free play. Turns out new DCG has no clue how to interact with these kids (she is 3 but never in DC). She starts hitting kids, taking toys, pushing etc. Spent a lot of morning on time out.

Get them to tidy up and get ready. Dressing everyone was a gong show. Took way too long and was too chaotic. I don't blame them they are off their schedule a little.

Go outside and the real fun begins. I forgot I let one of my DC families keep their push car in the backyard last night as they were going out straight from DC. This was totally cool with me but I forgot to move it. 18 mos old DCG (her car) wants to be pushed in the car. I do this for a while but I obviously have other kids. I stop pushing her and this upsets her. She then starts freaking out as other kids start touching her car or want to ride in it. I remove the car from the backyard and DCG wails and won't stop. All the while new DCG keeps hitting other kids, taking their toys and spilling their buckets of water they collected. She gets separated.

A game is initiated of tag, fight breaks out as to which game to play. My 3 yo and another 3 yo can't move on from this and continue to scream at each other. Game is ended and I decide we are going to come inside as they are all insane. My daughter (3.5) refuses to come in and runs to back corner of backyard. I get all kids inside and leave her. The little ones go into their highchairs for safety I go back out and physically carry my daughter inside. She is sent to her room. All the while my 18 mos old dcg is still screaming and the neighbour who is trying to sell his house (he was a landlord and tenants lives next to us so never even knew I ran a daycare) complains about the screaming...

Lunch was early and nap was a little early as well.

10-03-2013, 01:11 PM
Oh boy... hope your afternoon goes better! Just think, get through today, and tomorrow is Friday!!!

10-03-2013, 01:22 PM
Been there before! Not fun :( Don't worry about your neighbor kids cry and scream If it was 11pm at night then he's aloud to complain!

I hope they all nap well for you!

10-03-2013, 02:05 PM
Sorry you had such a terrible day! Hopefully a nap makes everything better :) Just wanted to comment on your new 3 year old dcg...if she is new to DC and doesn't know how to play with others, social skills, etc, I personally would not use time-outs to teach her as she does not learn what she SHOULD do by sitting in time-out, only possibly what she shouldn't...but with nothing to replace it with, she will go right back to it. It will likely take a lot more time and working with her on how to play with her friends appropriately, (ex. asking for a toy, waiting for a turn and what to do while waiting,etc). I would try shadowing her and intervening to help her learn appropriate social skills each time..(ex. "Ask, 'can I have a turn?' and if the answer is no, wait until your friend is done. Why don't we find another toy for you."). Personally, for circle-time, I don't force participation. If they want to wander off, they can, but they all want to particiapte, so not much of a problem. It's not fun if it's forced IMO. Good luck and I hope your day improves!

10-03-2013, 02:40 PM
Ugh that sounds awful! I feel for you!

Tomorrow is Friday!!!!!! Huzza!

10-03-2013, 03:21 PM
:eek: TGIF tomorrow!

10-03-2013, 04:55 PM
Thanks everyone. I felt better just posting it. Read my book for a solid hour during nap time which helped me to recharge.

I agree Sunnydays re: timeouts not being a teaching tool. I usually do as you suggest however timeouts were a "coping tool" for me today.

Re: circle time. I agree with you there as well. I allow the babies to wander around during circle time to a degree. I give stickers out after every circle for those that actively participate as well which has encouraged them to participate and they get excited. This girl was trying to play with the toys which I don't allow. She was not on a "time out" as I wrote but just to help her understand the expectations her options were to sit and watch or participate, not play with the toys.

Other Mummy
10-03-2013, 04:58 PM
Ugh. Forget Friday, I think you need a strong drink tonight after work :laugh:

Friday will be easier. And don't worry about the neighbour...They're moving anyway right? :)

10-04-2013, 05:30 AM
I totally understand Torontokids and I am sorry for giving advice when probably all you needed was to know you are not alone! We all have bad days sometimes...and it is always easier to see solutions from outside than from inside. I hope today is better for you :)

5 Little Monkeys
10-04-2013, 08:08 AM
TGIF!!!!!!!! Have a great Friday everyone and I hope we all get through it :)