View Full Version : Girls vs boys

10-16-2013, 12:47 PM
When you have the choice to take on a boy or a girl, do you have a preference?

5 Little Monkeys
10-16-2013, 01:04 PM
I don't choose a child based on gender. I choose the child and family that will best suit my daycare.

Having said that...I had an almost all boy group before this almost girl group I have now and the boys were calmer, quieter, less destructive and cleaned up the toys better!!! Hard to believe hey LOL

10-16-2013, 01:05 PM
I base it more on the kids I have in care at the time I have a space to fill so it stays balanced. I find when it is all boys that they tend to be more active and need more reminders of how to behave in the house. When it is all girls it can sometimes be harder to encourage the active play and there tends to be more drama, tears and whining. Ok so sounds sexist I know but just something I have observed.

If taking on a boy who has older male siblings expect them to be rougher and more active sooner. Also in the interview ask questions about what future activities they see their child doing as that will give you an idea of how they intend to raise the child if you are concerned about activity level in the daycare.

Generally speaking I don't have a preference but what I really like is to have a boy and girl at each level of development as they compliment/balance/encourage each other and it helps them to develop more rounded play interests.

10-16-2013, 01:14 PM
Like playfelt, if I have a choice, I try to balance it so I have half boys and half girls (as close as is possible with 5 kids). But, that is only if all else is equal between two prospective families...I would rather have all boys or all girls if it meant I got the best families ;)

10-16-2013, 01:22 PM
I have almost all girls at the moment except one boy. Both my children are girls. I think I have found the girls to be as Playfelt has said although active play has not been an issue. I would love another boy to add more balance but this hasn't been in the cards. My boy is more rowdy at times but he is also my best tidy upper and most active circle time participant.

10-16-2013, 01:29 PM
I prefer girls. I have had an all girl group for a month (new boy started today) and I have loved it. I guess I have just had some rough roudy boys previously. Girls just play so much nicer. Yes there are more tears when so and so won't play with them (boys don't seem to care). If I had 2 great families to pick from I would likely pick the girl.

Crayola kiddies
10-16-2013, 02:28 PM
I have always had mostly boys .... At one point I had 4 two yr old boys ..... Currently I have two girls and three boys .... The girls are the oldest of the bunch .... They are the criers. They are terrible at cleaning up and completely useless at getting ready to go outside. I think cause they are daddies little girls. One is so obsessed with daddy that she interjects his name into every sentence.

10-17-2013, 09:04 AM
I don't really have a preference however I've only ever terminated twice and they were both girls. Right now I have 3 dcg 1 dcb and my son all day so the boys are a little outnumbered but they are all the same age and play well tighter which is all that matters to me. I've found gender doesn't become an issue for the kids until they start school

10-17-2013, 10:51 AM
Right now I have all girls and I remarked to my dh yesterday how daycare life (which reflects into home life LOL) is really running smoothly. They all play well, eat well, sleep great, little drama and yes, they are terrible at cleaning up! I do love little boys and have had problem children of both sexes so I am attributing this time of peace and tranquility to a good mesh of personalities. Even the parents are great. O.K. now I've jinxed myself!!!!!:)

11-12-2013, 06:40 PM
I opened my Dayhome wanting all girls !! Lol But I have 4 boys (3 part time) and 3 girls and I would now prefer boys lol !!! Less drama !! No grudges !! They have their tussles and its forgotten 5 min later !!!