View Full Version : Tips for my own children misbehaving at pu/do

09-01-2011, 02:01 PM
Hey Ladies,
I was just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to deal with your own children misbehaving during pick up and drop off. My daughter is going to be 3 in about 4 months, and she always acts up when dcp come. She doesn't listen, throws things, hits me, and is just plain bad!!! She doesn't really do this when the parents are not here, but as soon as they are, she starts acting up. I think she is just testing her boundaries and seeing what i will let her get away with. I know it looks bad on me, and is super frustrating because I dont want the parents to question my abilities and what goes on here. Any ideas on how to discipline her when the parents are here? I have tried talking to her, a stern voice, even time outs (which she just runs out of). Shes a great kid normally and I dont have problems with her outside of daycare! HELP!!! Thanks!

09-01-2011, 04:55 PM
Hey Ladies,
I was just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to deal with your own children misbehaving during pick up and drop off. My daughter is going to be 3 in about 4 months, and she always acts up when dcp come. She doesn't listen, throws things, hits me, and is just plain bad!!! She doesn't really do this when the parents are not here, but as soon as they are, she starts acting up. I think she is just testing her boundaries and seeing what i will let her get away with. I know it looks bad on me, and is super frustrating because I dont want the parents to question my abilities and what goes on here. Any ideas on how to discipline her when the parents are here? I have tried talking to her, a stern voice, even time outs (which she just runs out of). Shes a great kid normally and I dont have problems with her outside of daycare! HELP!!! Thanks!

I went through this as well when my daughter was turning 3 and I sat down and spoke to her and told her that her behavior was inappropriate and when parents come to the door she must hold my hand and not speak until someone addresses her. She used to try and interrupt and freak out if I wasn't holding her.

For them the behavior is for attention as they realize we are focused on other people and they also see the other Moms and Dads make a huge deal when they see their kids.
She needs to have special time with you when the last child leaves.

For us I let my little one run around while I tickle her, or read a favorite book. I also ask her what her favorite part of her day was. Even though we have a ton to do when the last child leaves our own children require a few minutes of our full attention. After all this is why we are doing this right! Smiles

Good luck!

09-01-2011, 08:09 PM
My 4 year old daughter is the same way, quite often. If I try to sit down on the steps to chat with parents, she is all over me, climbing in my lap, tugging on my hand, etc. I do my best to stay patient, speak calmly and firmly to her and remind her that I can speak with her in a few minutes. I agree that a little extra time after the kids are gone, to read a story or play a game or whatever will help. Even though I have dinner to make, toys to clean and dishes to put in the dishwasher, I know it's tough for her to share me all day with other kids. She is just trying to claim her Mommy back again.
I have also said to the parents "Sorry, this time of day is tough for her. She is pretty overwhelmed at this point!" All of them have expressed understanding. So I do let her climb into my lap, etc. As long as she is not MISbehaving, then I don't mind some snuggling. After all, when moms and dads arrive, it's thier job to put on shoes and coats and so on....so why not?