View Full Version : Home Daycare in Malton Mississauga

08-13-2014, 09:37 PM
My name is Melesha!

I am a mom of two lovely girls a 9 year old and a 3 year old.

I am operating a home daycare of my own in Malton Mississauga my fee is $20.00 per day.

I`ve had bad daycare experience of my own, my 3 year old was in a private home daycare, my daughter was constantly sick and as she got better she would become i`ll again i called it quits on my job and decided to run my own home daycare after my daughter had gotten a UTI from not being cleaned properly.

I am loving and caring with all kids.My phone number is 647-637-2203

09-20-2014, 07:15 PM
This is not the correct form for an advertisement.... also I believe personally you are priced extremely low... one cannot provide proper care and make money at $20 a day... If you've set your rate below everyone else just to get kids in your care and get some money flowing, your part of a very serious problem in this industry...

09-20-2014, 08:04 PM
yeah, I've gotta agree with SFDC, $20 is insane. Also, while I'm sorry you had a bad experience with home daycare, the vast majority of us DO make sure children are cleaned properly during diaper changes. All kids that interact with other people WILL get sick from time to time, including any children you end up having in your care. If you go into it thinking that no child will ever get sick, you (and your daycare parents that you convince of this) are going to be pretty disappointed.

Just a thought, but you may want to re-think your price and the way you phrase the reasons for opening a daycare. Insulting home daycares in the same breath as advertising your own may not work too well in your favour.

09-21-2014, 07:44 AM
$20 a day - minus business expenses (and every single business has them) such as food, milk, insurance, police checks, infant CRP and first aid, additional water usage from endlessly flushing toilets, handwashing, laundry from bedding and face clothes, additional heating as the house needs to be headed all day, purchase of quality toys and craft supplies, = as a min. if you aren't providing any food, it will still cost you $5 a day in expenses per child.

Then you pay tax on it - of course you are paying tax and not working under the table and making a fraudulent statement to CRA and artificially boosting your level of entitlement to your own family tax credit - minus 6% CPP as you don't have an employers contribution to reduce your own mandatory 6% - You can't possibly be earning more than $10 a day.

You are NOT running a day care ! You are providing a baby-sitting service at best and likely under the table because NO business can operate for these fees.

I would bet you are :-

1. Not paying tax
2. Not insured
3. Have absolutely zero experience dealing with groups of children other than your own
4. Aren't providing the essentials you need to
5. Likely aren't abiding by the regulations (and yes, there are regs when doing this out of your home even if not an approved home the regs still apply) regarding number of children
6. Can't be earning more than $1 a hour per child.

Based on this ad, I think you've over-valued yourself!

You incorrectly believe that cheap care is all that parents want. Lots of bums on seats is not a measure of a successful and viable or professional business. It's a sign of exactly what it is - cheap care. It's insulting to both parents and day care operators to call yourself a day care provider.

If you are offering a quality service, and following the regulations, and truly meeting the needs of your client base, then you wouldn't need to work for $1 an hour. When people like you offer care at a price that is not profitable, it means cutting corners. That isn't acceptable when it comes to caring for children.

09-21-2014, 07:51 AM
If you are looking to post an ad for your daycare you will need to register first. Follow this link and it will get you started http://www.daycarebear.ca/registration.php. Also, you make want to take sometime and research the going rate for other home daycares in your area and price yourself accordingly. Make sure you also familiarize yourself with the daycare nurseries act and also the affects that Bill 10 may have if passed. Even though many homedaycares are private there are still laws and regulations we must follow. Take some time and consider how you want your program to run, the costs to you and base your rate on that.
Be very cautious when you advertise...although you think you are doing the right thing in stating your dislike of your previous provider and your experience it comes across unprofessional and that you are almost guaranteeing children in your care will not get sick. The childcare industry needs to lift each other up not shoot each other down.
Best of luck on your new endeavour. The daycare providers that are a part of this site have many years and tons of experience. Any questions just ask...it is extremely helpful.