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09-13-2014, 11:51 PM
My daycare provider always seems to have the tv on. They are not in the playroom but using another room. How do I ask her to stop?
Thanks ladies for your experience and knowledge!
Do you notice this only during drop off and pick up? I know here at my daycare, during drop off it's super hectic as I'm getting my 2 girls ready to go off to school so I do have the TV on for the daycare kids to keep them occupied. Once my girls are off on the bus, we head upstairs to the playroom. Maybe she only has it on during those times until all the kids have arrived and during pick up times.....
09-14-2014, 09:39 AM
I am the same way in that the tv is available to the early arrivals and late leavers as a perk for the extra hours they are in care compared to their friends. It is a great diversion because time passes without them realizing everyone else left 45 minutes ago. It also prevents them from getting everything out in the playroom and making a mess before the others have even arrived - mostly because the first child won't pick up and that isn't fair to the others. The fact the tv is not in the playroom should be a good sign to you that it is a special part of the day and not a constant activity.
Why not just ask your provider about her use of tv - which should have been done in the interview. Also figure out why it bothers you so much. Do you still get crafts home or your child able to sing a song or count to ten then you know that other activities are going on and rather than ban anything from your child's day you need to look at the balance of activities.
09-14-2014, 09:45 AM
A few comments/thoughts, in no particular order.
1. If you are going to ask her, do so directly. When people skirt around an issue they aren't comfortable raising, some actually fail to make their point and therefore it's lost. There will be no change if the provider doesn't receive the message clearly.
2. Be aware it's a request. Clients are not our bosses and therefore it's their responsibility to ensure that any service based provider is going to provide the environment the client is seeking.
3. I have no screen time ever in my day care BUT if a parent asked me to allow their child to watch TV, the answer would be no. Just as I have my way of doing things, your provider will also have her way. What if her other clients actually want their child to have the TV on? What are you expecting your carer to do then?
4. When you went out for interview and inquired about a typical day, was the TV/screen time mentioned?
5. What do you think is the reason for the TV being on esp if they are in another room? Is it that she moves from one room to the other? Could it be habitual background noise? Is there someone else in the home during business hours who watches it.
Bottom line, you can ask for her to stop but she doesn't have to comply sadly. It might be time to look around for another carer who better suits your needs.
Busy ECE mommy
09-14-2014, 10:52 AM
I don't use TV at all. There are times when my husband is home from work early, and he watches in a separate room, but the daycare kids are not exposed to it. It doesn't hurt to ask the provider.
5 Little Monkeys
09-14-2014, 11:02 PM
I am not one of those people who think the tv is a bad thing but I also don't like to have it on all day. I do however do like some above have mentioned and I have it on first thing in the morning and at the end of the day for the last child or two.
My daycare is in the basement but I have started staying upstairs until all the children have arrived and than we either head outside or go downstairs to play. I have had a couple new parents who even though I tell them to come on in, will ring doorbell and wait until I answer it. It is easier for me to do this if I'm upstairs still so I'm not leaving the children by themselves.
At the end of the day, I like to clean up and I have found the last child will leave without doing so. I now clean up the daycare and either go outside until pick up or come upstairs and watch tv.
I would bring up your concern to your provider and see what she says. If she has a playroom, I am betting that she spends most of the day there but is using the tv room for short periods of time.
I agree with the drop off and pick up times. I have my own older children as well, and before and after school they are allowed to watch TV after their morning and afternoon routine is completed. This is their home, and they use it as a way to unwind after a busy day. During the day (except for during my break time of course :) ) the TV is off.
Racheal had a lot of great points!
09-15-2014, 11:06 AM
I have a TV in the playroom for rainy days only. the TV upstairs however is on for the kids during drop off and pick up. It has become a great way to get the kids to come in without issues. I usually will say "do you want to come in and watch Napkin Man?" and they happily say bye and run to the couch. The reason for this is so I don't have to run upstairs and leave the kids unattended when the next child comes. Also in the afternoon our routine is wake up, walk to get my daughter from the bus while eating snack, come back and play outside. If the kids are still here when we go in I have no desire for them to go to the playroom and destroy it when i know they are going to be leaving shortly so we will usually watch some TV or play with some quiet activities that i have on my main floor. I would just ask your provider about it. Depending on the age of your child you will quickly be able to tell how much tv they watch because you will hear them talk about what they saw on tv or momick the shows!
09-15-2014, 01:34 PM
Is it kid's shows or adult tv (soaps, talk shows, news etc.)?
I would likely just say to the provider, "I've noticed that when I arrive the tv is on. Is this just for transition time or is it on as background noise for most of the day?"
Go from there.
09-15-2014, 02:52 PM
Honestly I would be annoyed if a parent questioned me having the TV on. This is my home, my daycare, my business. I always tell parents during the interview process that there will be times that the TV is on (first thing, nap time and end of the day). If they want somewhere that the TV is never on then they need to find a different daycare.
09-15-2014, 05:08 PM
I opened with no tv, and I bought one for my dayhome as there are times when we need it . If I have non nappers I use the tv so that the other children are not disrupted from kids playing during nap. I will sometimes notice we left it on by accident and while we are having 3:00 snack the kids might watch while talking to their friends,its not a big deal.
If the concern is the kids are watching too much tv , then I would suggest discussing that with your provider.