View Full Version : I'm a slacker !

09-30-2014, 02:46 PM
Hey ladies,

I just need to get it off my chest ... I have been using way to much TV with my kids and my daycare kids. You see I am at the last trimester of my pregnancy ...all is going well but I am soooooooooooooo tired. I feel guilty I still do little activities with them during the day but I am using a lot of TV as well. They are so good at playing on their own too but the cleanup even if they do most of it ... it's so demanding on my back and legs. I have no more energy but I still feel guilty using so much TV... I know it wont ''kill'' them and it is a temporary phase but I just needed to confess.

Have you ever had a ''slacker'' phase ?

Other Mummy
09-30-2014, 04:04 PM
:glomp: You are allowed. The first and last trimester are the worst for exhaustion!

I had a slacker phase earlier this year. My dad passed away in February and I found that around March/April I was very down and just went thru the motions of day-to-day. My heart wasn't in it and I was dragging myself to even get the simplest crafts or activity going.

Don't feel guilty. You are growing another human being. That is exhausting. As long as the children are fed, happy, and thriving then you are allowed to give yourself a break in the interim.

5 Little Monkeys
09-30-2014, 05:23 PM
WHAT?!?!?!?! TV!!!!! How dare you!!!!!

KIDDING!!! ;) Don't feel guilty at all! I am sure all your parents understand and really, if tv is the worst thing they can complain about than they are lucky!! I know some providers whose daycare children would learn more from tv than from them so really, it's not the end of the world. I'm sure they all watch tv at home from time to time too. Don't beat yourself up over it...if he kids are fed, happy and well looked after than all is well in their world.

Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!! Are you taking some time off from daycare

10-01-2014, 07:03 AM
Thanks Ladies ... That's what I tell myself. I feel like a darn good provider. The environment, the meals the structure ... it's all still there. The kids are very much happy but I am slacking a bit more and well ... we all have the guilty feeling when we take a break for ourselves don't we ? Only one more week to go !! Then I am taking time off until the baby reaches 3 months but I wont be open with a FULL daycare until summer that is for sure.

10-01-2014, 07:15 AM
Funny you mention this; my little ones have been doing a lot of free play (particularly outside) and very little craft stuff. I was feeling guilty until I realized every activity is a learning one for them (even TV:). Plus, I would imagine that your group is like mine, even TV does not guarantee an extended sit down time; busy bees that they are.

10-01-2014, 09:56 AM
Don't feel guilty! I am not pregnant and feel like a slacker a lot these days!! LOL

With my daycare being upstairs while my basement is ripped apart from being flooded in July I don't have any of my stuff. Everything except a few boxes of toys are in storage. Art/crafts consist of coloring mostly, my space is limited. Kids aren't complaining about a bit more tv than usual. Hoping to start renovations on the basement this weekend - going to be a long road ahead yet.

10-01-2014, 10:09 AM
Do not feel bad at all. I assume the mommies of your DCK's have all gone through it. I went through it earlier this year when i was pregnant and unknowingly suffering from a Molar Pregnancy and preeclampsia. I would literally lay down on the floor of the playroom and watched them play, lunch consisted of canned soup or pasta. i felt awful and tried my best but as long as the kids are safe and healthy . You are doing the best you can and TV can be educational :) it won't last forever!

10-01-2014, 02:55 PM
You are probably doing more than you realize !! You are entitled to "slack" !! I think we all can push ourselves too much !
Especially 3rd trimester !! It must be so nice to be close to such a long break ! Will you reopen ?

10-06-2014, 08:00 PM
LAST WEEK ! I am excited and nervous :) Got lots planned so a little less tv on the agenda this week haha. Yeah I'll be reopening around Feb/March but not to full capacity :) Only 2 DCK kids plus my own will be enough. Financially we can afford it for a little while. It will be hard on the budgeting but life cant always be about money right ?