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10-12-2011, 08:01 PM
So today my 3 yo dcg walks in on my 3yo son putting on his pants after going potty. This is what I overheard on my way to the bathroom:
Dcg: "Wow, you have one just like x!" (her brother)
Dcg: "That's okay. Some boys have that."

So what are some funny things that have happened in your dayhomes lately?

10-13-2011, 01:02 PM
Great topic but I can't even comment due to possible crazy people reading this form. Kids are so funny when they are learning the difference between boys and girls!

10-13-2011, 01:12 PM
It is a 3 year old thing for sure when they start to figure out the world. I have a 3 year old boy that is hoping that when he grows up he can have a hairy belly button like his daddy. Can't say I have ever seen his daddy's belly button since he is always in a suit so taking the kid's word on this one.

10-13-2011, 01:39 PM
Great topic but I can't even comment due to possible crazy people reading this form. Kids are so funny when they are learning the difference between boys and girls!

I apologize if this was innapropriate to post on here.

10-13-2011, 02:13 PM
It wasn't inappropriate it's just that while we understand that "kids say the darndest things" other people could misinterpret in a negative way, think we were having the wrong kind of discussions at daycare or well minds jump to wrong conclusions way too often. There is such a paranoia about abuse, etc these days. We have a wall at my childcare association that has some messages from kids and it is fun to read the world from their point of view.

10-13-2011, 04:23 PM
I have a 3yo dcg always telling me her daddy picks his nose or that I have to go buy beer for her papa. Whenever nana picks up dcg she asks, do we need to go buy papa beer!? Lol I just laugh and think hmmm does papa drink beer a lot perhaps? Funny how kids say and hear everything we do.

10-13-2011, 05:23 PM
I apologize if this was innapropriate to post on here.

Not inappropriate as we all know the innocence of little minds. It’s just that I’m sure we have our share of freaks that read this site and get their jollies when we refer to certain things. This world we live in really can be scary.

We are so blessed to be able to work with little ones and help mold there character and values.

My favorite thing is when my daycare kids say “What the heck?” when something is really funny! Or when they say “How r you doing DUDE! Hilarious!

Sandbox Sally
10-17-2011, 01:35 PM
My 9 yo dd will scale the door frames, y'know w her hands and feet. The 2yo I care for saw this for the first time and immediately said, "Maia, down!", even though I don't discourage dd from doing it.

Another one, my 11yo daughter made our dog "talk" to the other 2yo I care for, and now, every day, the little girl looks at my dog and says, "Hi Doggie", then replies in a deeper voice, 'Hi, (NAME)". So freakin cute!