View Full Version : No Weather Appropriate Clothing

01-28-2015, 11:40 AM
At what temperature do you not take out your toddler-kindergarten aged children outside during the winter?
What do you do when one of your children do not bring winter weather clothing (toques, snow pants, boots, mitts, etc) to your home? Does the day become a "no outside play' day for the rest of the children?

5 Little Monkeys
01-28-2015, 11:59 AM
Mine is -20ish. If children don't have appropriate clothing and I don't have any spares clean (which is rare) than yes, we would stay in and I'd mention it to that parent at pick up that we had to stay inside because xxx wasn't dressed properly.

01-28-2015, 12:05 PM
I have 2x1 yr olds, 3x2 yr olds and a 3yr. They don't enjoy the outdoor time if their drool/runny noses are freezing to their face. We go outside to play if the temp including windchill is -15 or warmer. We have a large playroom with trampoline and ride on toys and built a fort on the days it is too cold to go out.
I have 3 kids of own, boy and girls so I have a huge supply of back up weather gear. If one of the kids forgets something, I can almost always supply it. I have never stayed indoors because of forgotten items due to this reason.

01-28-2015, 12:09 PM
I have a list of all the weather appropriate clothing each child needs for every season and it states that if a child arrives with missing items the parents have to return home immediately to fetch them. Everyone HAS to have all their winter outdoor gear because we go to the bus stop everyday twice per day.

01-28-2015, 02:05 PM
If someone is not prepared then we all have to stay in. I would be telling parents at pickup that you require their outdoor items daily (no matter what!). You decide when to go out or stay in and the kids need to be prepared either way. I have bins here for extra items to be left. I had one with no mitts today and luckily they had spares here in their bin.

We go out everyday unless it is -20 (temp or windchill- whichever is colder).

01-29-2015, 09:23 AM
Everyone must have weather appropriate clothing when they come since we have to walk to the school everyday, twice a day. I have a few mismatched mittens and a scarf or two that I can offer, that's it.
When clients start, they are warned that their children must come with appropriate clothing, no excuses.

As far as extra time outside, if it is -20 or so, then we usually stay in.