View Full Version : Potty training and number 2

03-04-2015, 01:53 PM
How do you address the issue of a child that no longer pees in their pullup, only on the toilet, but that still poops themself?

I have a 2 year old dcg that is doing really awesome with potty training, but until recently was having uncontrollable messy poops because of a dairy intolerance. I finally convinced mom to go totally dairy free and she, for the first time ever, is having normal poops. So this is wonderful, but I don't know if this is still causing her to poop herself because she is so used to having loose poops.

My first instinct is to just be patient and ride it out as part of the potty training process. But I have been potty training one child after another for 2 years now and I really want to be done with it. I plan for this to be the last child I ever take that needs to be potty trained.

03-04-2015, 02:06 PM
Both my DCKs do this, they save it for their naps when they wear a diaper. I am just encouraging them to try on the toilet and they wear underwear the rest of the day. We have had a few poops on the potty but most in their nap time diaper. I would just ride it.

03-04-2015, 02:32 PM
I plan for this to be the last child I ever take that needs to be potty trained.

Not sarcastically, but good luck with that. When I first opened, I wanted to not take any in diapers/training too. It didn't work out. Ended up with 4 of 6.

As far as the pooping on the toilet thing, ultimately, they have to figure it out themselves. You can't teach their body to do something, obviously. If you kept a log or note the time of day, maybe have her spend more time on the toilet around that time. When I am doing this, I make sure they are comfortable on the toilet, give them the potty books I keep in the bathroom and leave them for awhile. Maybe 5-10 minutes. And like you said, patience is key.

Oh, and good for you figuring out the dairy thing. I am a big believer in dairy (grew up on a dairy farm) but not if it doesn't agree with you!

03-04-2015, 03:11 PM
I am interested in ideas for this too.

One child here age 4 years. He is very enabled by parent. I toilet train him long time ago. I found out recent that he not poop in toilet at home. He pee in toilet but not poop in toilet at home. Here he do both.

What happen at home is he tell parent he need to poop. They send him to switch underwear to pull up. He poop in pull up. Parent change! I never hear of such thing. He know how to poop in toilet. He does here no issue. Never been issue here since training. Seems that when he was toilet trained by me, he used to poop pants at home and so they started telling him to inform when needed to poop so clean up in pull up easier than underwear. It still continue today. This boy go school in September.

He have full and total bladder and bowel control. No reason to do this at all. Never do here all day. He just uses washroom.

His mother always been funny about poop. Even older sibling who here from baby, mother would always need to know if kids pooped that day. She make husband take to walk in if child not poop for couple days. She obsessed with poop, how often, how much. I think she the root of his pooping issues plus parent enable and not get firm about age appropriate because we know he has full control and is able to go in toilet. Not fear based - he even poop in toilet when on field trips so it not about only comfortable in my toilet. He goes anywhere in day care hours but in family time, he only poop in pull up. Mom confessed that even when children go to grandparent for summer break and march break, he poop in pull up at grandparents house too.

03-04-2015, 03:16 PM
Not sarcastically, but good luck with that. When I first opened, I wanted to not take any in diapers/training too. It didn't work out. Ended up with 4 of 6.

As far as the pooping on the toilet thing, ultimately, they have to figure it out themselves. You can't teach their body to do something, obviously. If you kept a log or note the time of day, maybe have her spend more time on the toilet around that time. When I am doing this, I make sure they are comfortable on the toilet, give them the potty books I keep in the bathroom and leave them for awhile. Maybe 5-10 minutes. And like you said, patience is key.

Oh, and good for you figuring out the dairy thing. I am a big believer in dairy (grew up on a dairy farm) but not if it doesn't agree with you!

There is a pretty high demand, lack of spots and I am also licensed and accept subsidy, so I don't think I will have too much trouble with the already potty trained stuff. I have problems with my hands so the way things are going it will have to be only older kids or no daycare at all.

But, yes, glad I encouraged the dairy elimination. My younger daughter had the same problem so I recognized the symptoms.

03-04-2015, 03:20 PM
Both my DCKs do this, they save it for their naps when they wear a diaper. I am just encouraging them to try on the toilet and they wear underwear the rest of the day. We have had a few poops on the potty but most in their nap time diaper. I would just ride it.

I have had so many like that its almost like they go as soon as they relax.

03-04-2015, 04:41 PM
I have had so many like that its almost like they go as soon as they relax.

I have two here like that - 5 years old and 2.5 years old brother and sister. The older one I potty trained 2 years ago and younger one I potty trained over the summer. They are both in regular underwear all day, including nap time. I found out recently that they both hold their poop all day long, wait until their mom puts them in a nightime pullup then they both poop in their pullups. I have to say, I was very disappointed to find out this was happening, especially with the 5 year old - way too old to be doing that! I can't imagine my own 5 year old doing that. So I had a talk with him about, told him that when his tummy hurts he needs to go to the bathroom - problem solved! He immediately started going during the day and not holding it until bedtime.

Now I am working on the younger one, I gave her a pep talk about going poop on the potty not in her panties before bed. We'll see what happens...sometimes I feel like even though the kids are at home I am still taking the reins on so many things.