View Full Version : Thankful to great DCP's

04-10-2015, 10:09 AM
I know I have done my share of complaining about certain dcp's for one reason or another, but today it seems that I am thankful for the great dcp's that I do have.

I had my part time mom give notice the other day and end up just taking her baby out early (thankfully!). I just had so many problems with her and the drama she brought towards me right up until the last second.

So now that she's gone, I have more appreciation for the clients that have been with me for the long run (longest is almost 8 yrs with me!) and the joy that they give me every day. You know the ones...they pay on time or early, never take advantage of you, ask if it's ok if they make the smallest change so they won't make your job any more difficult.

Anyway, I just had to say it on here because I am sure most of you totally understand!

bright sparks
04-10-2015, 11:09 AM
I think that's great that you shared that with us. It's always so easy in life to focus on the negatives and lose sight of the good that's right under our noses. I have had some pretty amazing daycare parents. Even those who rub me the wrong way at times, just different personality types, can show my appreciation more than I'd expect.

04-10-2015, 11:17 AM
I've had some great parents too. Have one now that checks in if other kids are still here late afternoon, and if not she'll pick up her child early too. Also have parents asking about childs behavior here and tries to mirror techniques at home to help improve behaviors. But have had some doozies too! Yay for the good ones!

04-10-2015, 12:35 PM
I have always had mainly great parent. Just one or two who were troublesome - but not for long! I straight forward person so if someone doing something that isn't good, I will say straight out. They either stop or they go somewhere else.

04-10-2015, 01:03 PM
I have always had mainly great parent. Just one or two who were troublesome - but not for long! I straight forward person so if someone doing something that isn't good, I will say straight out. They either stop or they go somewhere else.

Yes, Suzie, straight forward is always best. That way people always know where they stand with you.

04-10-2015, 01:07 PM
I had one parent that was mildly troublesome, but nothing big. Just little things here and there... BUT she was a nervous type, so I knew that she wasn't doing it on purpose. So I let the little things go. Her child has moved on from me and we have ended up becoming friends :)

I had another parent that was bold enough to yell at me in my house in front of my own children - I bet you can guess how that one ended ;)

I love my current dcps. They randomly bring me thank you cards and home made treats. It's lovely to know they appreciate you.

5 Little Monkeys
04-10-2015, 01:50 PM
I still miss my very first group of parents!! They were "older" moms and all the kids had older siblings so the families understood daycare and how it works. I didn't have to hold their hand and guide them through it! (Which I don't mind doing for new moms but it does get exhausting!) They were just a fantastic group, very caring and considerate and spoiled me all the time!

I've really only had a few parents who drove me crazy and only one that gave me "real" stress so I consider myself very lucky so far! They sure make you appreciate the good ones though!

This week a dad brought in 6 boxes of Kleenex as their daughter has a mild cold and they are pretty sure allergies....to their dog!! So he said I would likely need them lol. It was a nice gesture and made wiping her snotty nose a bit more nicer this week :)

04-10-2015, 01:51 PM
I had a parent bring in boxes of kleenex before too. It was so unexpected and thoughtful.

04-10-2015, 02:27 PM
I not had Kleenex bought before although that nice gesture. I lucky that some parent bring coffee sometimes or maybe cupcakes if their child's birthday.

We had parent give us gift card for our 25th wedding anniversary few year back. They all clubbed together and got us couple's massage and dinner in restaurant. That very big surprize. Then, when we got to restaurant, it being run by father of previous day care child so give us bottle of wine for our dinner too.

04-10-2015, 02:45 PM
Out of 5 dcp, I usually have 1 that are ABSOLUTELY THE BEST...you could want...she is sooooo accommodating (mind you her mother ran her own home daycare while she was growing up so she has seen it all (lol).....and then I have 3 dcp that are simply not the worst or the greatest...and then there IS ALWAYS 1 (with me anyways) that her child could not reach 4 soon enough....this child is almost 3 years old....every sentence that comes out of her mouth starts with "I DON'T WANT" ....or "I WANT"....They went to Florida 6 weeks ago and I can not for the life of me get that child to use the word please or thank you ....gone....not in her vocabulary anymore....she went back to peeing in her pull up again...pooping again....and she whines from the time she gets here til the minute she leaves.....She threw up all over on Tues ....shows up Wed morning with her child....I'm like...NO...SHE SAYS....IF YOU AREN'T PROVIDING YOUR SERVICES FOR ME TODAY THAN I DON'T HAVE TO PAY YOU...CORRECT! Honestly I don't like not giving dcp no notice....p.s. the mother knows I have a "NO CHILD BACK FOR AT LEAST 24 HOUR " RULE

33 Daiseys
04-10-2015, 03:15 PM
Out of 5 dcp, I usually have 1 that are ABSOLUTELY THE BEST...you could want...she is sooooo accommodating (mind you her mother ran her own home daycare while she was growing up so she has seen it all (lol).....and then I have 3 dcp that are simply not the worst or the greatest...and then there IS ALWAYS 1 (with me anyways) that her child could not reach 4 soon enough....this child is almost 3 years old....every sentence that comes out of her mouth starts with "I DON'T WANT" ....or "I WANT"....They went to Florida 6 weeks ago and I can not for the life of me get that child to use the word please or thank you ....gone....not in her vocabulary anymore....she went back to peeing in her pull up again...pooping again....and she whines from the time she gets here til the minute she leaves.....She threw up all over on Tues ....shows up Wed morning with her child....I'm like...NO...SHE SAYS....IF YOU AREN'T PROVIDING YOUR SERVICES FOR ME TODAY THAN I DON'T HAVE TO PAY YOU...CORRECT! Honestly I don't like not giving dcp no notice....p.s. the mother knows I have a "NO CHILD BACK FOR AT LEAST 24 HOUR " RULE

Wow thats nervy. |Please tell me that you didn't take her.

5 Little Monkeys
04-10-2015, 04:02 PM
I not had Kleenex bought before although that nice gesture. I lucky that some parent bring coffee sometimes or maybe cupcakes if their child's birthday.

We had parent give us gift card for our 25th wedding anniversary few year back. They all clubbed together and got us couple's massage and dinner in restaurant. That very big surprize. Then, when we got to restaurant, it being run by father of previous day care child so give us bottle of wine for our dinner too.

That's so nice!!

04-10-2015, 07:48 PM
Wow thats nervy. |Please tell me that you didn't take her.

Hell no....I told her .."you know the 24 hour rule"....do you not care about the other kids or my family? When she paid me today,..I counted it out...and said thank you

08-06-2015, 12:49 PM
I've been open for 1 year as of Aug. 2 and I must say it's been crazy. But the parents have gone through it all with me, been supportive and understanding. I had to change my contract a few times and I even raised my prices due to Bill 10; they stuck with me through it all. It's a compliment that they have believed in me and know how serious I take my business. I truly love my current clients. I did have one set who caused me some headaches and communication always seemed to be an issue, but they are gone now and I'm very happy/comfortable with who I have left.

They are very thoughtful at Christmas as well. I had two clients who filled baskets with something for each of my family members (even my dog!) and a dinning card for myself. So sweet :)