View Full Version : Do you require up-to-date immunization, and disclosure?

08-03-2015, 07:13 AM
Do you accept children who aren't immunized, or up-to-date?

Is it required of parents to disclose if their kids suffer from ailment that's transmitted through fluids ie: hiv, hepatitis etc..,
Are parents required by law to voluntarily disclose that? Or do you have to ask them?

08-03-2015, 10:23 AM
I require all children immunized and up to date. In contract and clearly stated that if they miss immunizations, and fail to disclose, it is immediate termination of care with penalty equal to notice period.

We have little girl in our personal life who has compromised immune system and cannot have immunisation herself so we rely on others to offer her some protection. This not negotiable.

08-03-2015, 02:26 PM
The parents don't have to disclose anything about their child, even if they have aids, as they have a right to protect the child, so it is good to ask in a round about way.

I only accept children who have been immunized - we have a choice here to take that child or not!!

08-04-2015, 09:16 AM
I don't even ask.