View Full Version : STAT holidays

08-05-2015, 01:41 PM
Hi everyone :)
I recently had a complaint from a parent for taking the Civic holiday off because it's technically not a stat holiday for everyone so I shouldn't be taking it off. I get it but at the same time boxing day is a stat holiday and if I had a client who worked in retail they would be most likely working that day. If this is not nor I will definitely not be taking this day off but it is then I would like to keep it.

Please let me know what you do for holidays :)

08-05-2015, 02:19 PM
August long and boxing days are not real stats in Manitoba. They are optional paid days here for employers.

In my contract it lists all stat/paid days that I close. It includes the August long civic holiday as well as Boxing Day. Make sure you word it in your contract as a paid closed day (not just a stat day) then they can't complain. You are allowed to close whatever days you want as long as you follow the rules that you set out in your own contract.

08-05-2015, 02:25 PM
Okay thank you! I will be sure to give out a letter to all parents and go over what days I am closed. I thought that Civic and Boxing day was a stat holiday in Ontario do I didn't think to do that.

08-05-2015, 02:56 PM
It could be in Ontario as each province is different. In Manitoba they are both optional days. My husbands last employer gave him the day off with no pay.

I just made sure my contract read stats/paid days I am closed. No argument. I did have 1 parent who mentioned it but I very quickly corrected him by saying these are the paid days off I take per year - stat or no stat they you agreed to. End of discussion!!!

08-05-2015, 04:16 PM
The Civic holiday in August, Easter Monday, Remembrance Day and Boxing Day are Government holidays not statutory holidays. So in my contract I make sure I write all Stats AND Government holidays I am closed with pay. That way I'm covered for both. Although I'm closed for all, I never close for November 11th, I work that day.

08-05-2015, 05:54 PM
I am closed (and paid) for Remembrance Day. In Manitoba we are not allowed to work until 1 pm. No sense opening then as majority of all parents have the day off as well. I work on Easter Monday as most parents work and schools are on that day as well. Each province will be different.

It's all whatever holidays you want off and what you want pay for. Put it in your contract then no worries

08-08-2015, 09:23 PM
I live in Ontario and the civic holiday is NOT recognized as a stat holiday, however, I have taken it off every year with pay and never been questioned!

08-09-2015, 04:14 PM
Some days are federal statutory holidays common to all provinces and then each province has their own government closure days. The reality is you can list any day including your birthday or anniversary if you want it off with pay if you put that in your contract. A simple statement of the daycare will be closed on the following days with regular payment due: and then list them.

12-31-2021, 11:37 AM
Hi, The holidays listed in the Canadian Labour Code are not observed as stat holidays in all provinces and territories, and each province of Canada has its own provincial holidays. Check the provincial holiday list (https://publicholidays.ca/?s=CANADIAN+PROVINCI AL+HOLIDAYS+2022) for more details. Or visit the website https://publicholidays.ca/