View Full Version : Quick question about Bill 10

08-05-2015, 01:59 PM
Hi there,

I just wanted to verify that I am understanding the new laws. I will be offering before and after school during the school year. I have two kids of my own- one turning 8 soon and another who will be 5 in a couple of months. Since they are both enrolled in school full time, does this mean I am allowed to have 5 more children under the age of 13 (they are all school age)? Also, my kids don't count on school holidays or March Break?
Thanks so much!

08-05-2015, 02:12 PM
Your oldest won't count at all, ever, because they are over age 6.

Your youngest won't count during the school year, as long as you have no more than one child in care under age 2. If you're just doing B/A school, then obviously that is not a concern, so during the school year, yes, you could have 5 dckids plus your own.

Come next summer, however, you'd have to drop a dckid because your youngest will still be under age 6, and therefore will take up a spot during the summer break.

No, your own kids under 6 in full-time school don't count during Christmas, March Break, etc, just summer break - as long as you have LESS THAN 2 under 2 (so one or none).

08-05-2015, 02:14 PM
Once your children are over the age of 6, they do not count in your numbers. So, your 8 year old would not count, ever. Your 5 year old will not count during the school year (including school holidays, March Break, etc.) because as you said, all of your daycare kids are school aged. (In order for your child under the age of 6 to not count during the school year, they have to be enrolled in FDK and you have to have less than 2 children under the age of 2.) Your 5 year old will count during the summer though. So, you would be allowed to have 5 daycare kids on top of your own 2 children during the school year, but 4 daycare kids in the summer when your youngest child will count in your numbers.

08-05-2015, 02:14 PM
Perfect. I thought my youngest still counted so now I can take someone off of my waiting list. Thanks!

08-05-2015, 02:29 PM
I read that only if your child is under two they count in your numbers. Once they are over the age of two they don't count? I am so confused when I try to read online I always get a different answer.

08-05-2015, 02:32 PM
TinyTwigs, there's a good article on ontario.ca. It explains the rules clearly. I tried reading the actual bill and was like what?? Lol... Go to ontario.ca/document/child-care-rules-child-care-and-early-years-act

08-05-2015, 04:23 PM
Your kids count under age SIX not two :). Your kids over six yrs don't count ever

08-06-2015, 08:57 AM
Thanks for the clarification, everyone.

And here I was telling everyone about the new law - ONLY 5 CHILDREN (2 under 2), and your kids count! :D

I hope those folks I talked to comes to this board!