View Full Version : Kinderloop

09-01-2015, 03:18 PM
Hi everyone!

I am not sure if many are you are familiar with Kinderloop. It's pretty much an online platform where you document a child's development by quickly posting news, photos and learning outcomes etc.

I have 2 issues with these and would like to know your thoughts. I thought this was a really cute idea so I started to offer it in my program. My only issue is parents one month want it and next month don't or they never use it so I was basically paying for it for nothing.

I was thinking of charging people for this (I use to pay for the whole year per child because it only ended up being 1 dollar per month) because is the past I had people leave or you have 2 multiple part timers so you have to pay more then you would for one child so it just got messy at times. I was thinking of writing a letter stating who ever is interested in Kinderloop I will add them to my daycare and give them a user name/password but the fee is 12 dollars per year and that money is applied in full right away.

My seconds issue is parents who use this as a security camera. The want you to document everything from nap time to outdoor play or snacks to breakfast to lunch and it just got to be tooo much. I don't mind documenting activities, lessons etc and to be honest I don't mind taking picture of everything listed above but it just makes me feel like they don't trust me enough to know chicken is actually for lunch lol not to mention no one has time to people taking pictures of 5 kids when your trying to feed a 11 month old or to what them outside properly when your running outside trying to take a picture of a running toddler.

How does everyone feel about this and do you think it would be fair to charge them if this was something they wanted.

09-01-2015, 03:49 PM
Ehhh...while I get the concept I just don't think it plays out in real life.

I mean, who has time to constantly be updating it on each child in 'real time'? You know how many pee's poops, snacks, meals, naps that is in one day, one week, a month? I can see it being really helpful for a new child for the first month when mom is nervous and wants that constant update...but after that I think they just have to trust when there is a concern you'll let them know and when something exciting happens you'll let them know.

The real time part is what concerns me. What if you forget an update? Will the parents think the child never went down for nap, or you forgot to feed them lunch?

I just take random pics and text them when I have some quiet time. If we doing something extra exciting I send a text. If the child naps extra long or eats less than normal I'll send a text...but otherwise the parents just assume all is flowing normally here.

I think I would use this for new kids only, for a month or so. And would likely make the parents pay for it should they want the updates.

5 Little Monkeys
09-01-2015, 04:53 PM
I post every day on my dc fb page and find that plenty enough to post. I couldn't imagine doing each child individually!!

09-01-2015, 05:03 PM
Oh god I am in trouble now Lol! Do you think it would be rude to ask parents to pay for it if they want it?

09-01-2015, 05:04 PM
I post every day on my dc fb page and find that plenty enough to post. I couldn't imagine doing each child individually!!

Are there certain times in the day you don't post ex. meals nap outdoors etc. I have some parent who don't want other parent to see pictures of their kids so I would have to do 3 out of 5 individually lol!!

5 Little Monkeys
09-01-2015, 05:46 PM
Any pictures I post, have their faces covered so that's not an issue.

09-01-2015, 09:04 PM
I don't think its rude at all. If a parent really wants the service they will pay for it.