View Full Version : Little strippers!

11-18-2011, 12:19 PM
Lately my daughter (16 months) and another dcg (19 months) have been driving me nuts with taking their clothing off constantly! My daughter is the worst right now and I even have to put duct tape on her diaper (I normally use cloth, but had to switch to disposables so the duct tape will stick) or she strips completely nakes. I have tried different clothing, even putting a onesie over her pants, but she figured out how to undo the snaps within a day of that. I put both girls' jackets on backwards so they can't take them off, but they will not keep mittens or boots on even thought it is cold out. Plus the dcg takes her hat off every 10 seconds (her mom said she would fix it so it could b tied on, but she is very pregnant and doesn't seem to have had the time or energy). Any advice on how to keep clothing on these little angels? They even strip when we are out at playgroup:o

11-18-2011, 12:59 PM
All I can think of is wait for the first snowfall, dress them, put them out and let them strip - bet they only do it once.

I have had some success with a sticker chart or special priveleges and it helps that it is more than one because no one likes to get left out so they may try to out do each other to stay dressed if they know there is a reward in the offing.

Jumpsuits that zip up the back are your only real option but you would soon find them unzipping each other. Hope the phases passes.

Do make sure that they aren't over dressed. If you have recently switched form lightweight pants and tshirts in favour of heavier cords and sweat pants, long sleeves etc., started making them wear socks and shoes instead of sandals they might just not like the cumbersomeness of the extra weight. Shorts and a tshirts is better than no clothes.

11-19-2011, 08:43 AM
kangamom, it's a new skill so it's a phase that should pass. Maybe getting them to put dress up clothes ON will deter them, or at least slow them down a bit.

I'm really sorry for your frustration but your thread has given me a great laugh this morning :D

11-19-2011, 08:31 PM
Glad I could entertain you :) It is actually quite funny...albeit frustrating! I know, they do it because they CAN :) I have to say that my daughter has become very good at putting her own shoes and clothing as a result of all the on and off...I am happy about this...just not the public removing of the pants and diaper!

11-20-2011, 12:48 PM
Any chance you can start to teach them modesty saying you can take off clothes but you can not show your bum, breasts, etc. So those parts need to stay covered be it a diaper or undershirt. A bathing suit over the diaper might work as in they can strip down that far and run around as much as they want but that is as far as they can go. Most bathing suits leave arms and legs free. Then leave a basket of clothes for them to change into as they want as in a basket of tops and a basket of bottoms. Things will slip on and off easily over the bathing suit too.