View Full Version : Pulled our kid out a week early, are we being unreasonable
11-30-2015, 05:56 PM
We found a new daycare provider from December, but wanted to give our current provider the months notice outlined in the policy. We feel that our son receives good care, but the owner is extremely difficult to deal with-- rude, standoffish, extremely defensive. All of this was more an annoyance until last week she texted my wife at 7:11am that she was sick (black Friday, shoulda seen that coming) and that she was closed. She's supposed to be open at 7:00am! As a result we didn't have time to find alternate care and my wife ended up losing a days' pay and putting her co-workers out to care for him.
We really can't afford to have this happen again if she decides to just suddenly be closed. She has already put us out for her vacation after notifying us that for the three weeks she would be gone that the daycare would be closed (her policy clearly states she would find an alternative for her away time, this is something we're going to bring up with the Health Authority).
When we voiced our displeasure she, as usual, became standoffish, told us she would keep the deposit and charge us for the week remaining. After deducting the deposit that would be $130-- I honestly couldn't care a less about the money. It's cheaper than losing a days' wage for my wife. But if not paying is going to compromise our chances of being reimbursed for her violating her vacation policy of finding a sub, then we'll pay, but otherwise I feel we've been cheated enough.
11-30-2015, 07:23 PM
She may seem stand off-ish to you but you are breaking the contract and you seem rather bitter and rude about it.
Many people fall sick on black Friday and other 'special' days of the year. You are implying she lied and went shopping when you have no proof. I will hope you are not saying such things to people that know her as it would be considered slandering and puts her reputation on the line.
Pay her what you owe and move on, she deserves clients that trust and respect her.
11-30-2015, 07:40 PM
Actually, to post a review that she called in sick after she was supposed to be open on Black Friday is a statement of fact, provable through text, making it not slanderous. I think many parents would like to know that deciding to call in sick after your business is supposed to be open is totally inappropriate.
We're going to pay, and we're going to file a complaint about her breaking her own policy regarding a vacation substitute.
It won't take long for her other customers to realize the type of business she is running. I've dealt with many kinds of people and have tons of explosive texts and emails from her to prove her character. We'll move on and find someone professional.
11-30-2015, 08:50 PM
@stuff9: just curious if you're in the US or in Canada? In any event, closing without proper notice was wrong. As providers, we expect to be given notice prior to the child's scheduled drop-off if they are not attending etc. Does she have anything in her contract regarding notification of closures in terms of illness?
5 Little Monkeys
11-30-2015, 09:17 PM
She may have thought she could get through the day but than got sicker or realized she couldn't properly look after the kids and made the call to close. Yes the timing is inconvenient but when you're sick you're sick! What if she had opened and than closed at noon and called for pickup? Would you still be as annoyed?
IMO, if you can't afford for this to happen again, (which is what you said) than I hope your new daycare is a centre. Home daycare providers WILL need time off and WILL have sick days and unless you have backup care, it WILL inconvenience you but there's nothing you can do about it. That's just life.
I would follow up on your end of the agreement and pay her what is legally owed and than move on. Sounds like she offered good care to your son but unfortunately, your personalities didn't match and that's okay!! We don't have to like everyone but we should respect them and their rules in their home/business.
As a side note, I have in my contract that a sub MAY be used if I can find one but it's not a guarantee! What does your contract specifically say in regard to her time off?
11-30-2015, 09:41 PM
I totally agree with 5LM. How do you know she wasn't going to try and get through the day only to run to the bathroom at 7:10 throwing up. I would have likely done the same thing.
I also have a clause stating I have an alternate who I use on occasion. Does that mean my alternate WILL be used? NO. I had a daycare parent get upset at me once because I closed due to doctors orders. I had an insect bite on the back of my leg that had become infected and I was told by the doc to close the next day and to come in again in the morning as I could potentially get blood poisoning. My alternate does not feel comfortable looking after the kids for a full day and I didn't "look" sick. Parent was upset. It was what it was. Sometimes we have to look after ourselves first!
Pay what you owe and move on
12-01-2015, 06:04 AM
I seems two situation you not happy about. First is her vacation situation but you decided to stay. Second late notice of sickness.
As other said, it could be that she was sick. She might wake up feel sick and think it pass but when it not, made call to close for day. I think even though it was late, that preferable to exposing children to potential illness. Everyone know what it like trying work and being ill, with small children too, it very hard and it fact of home day care when there one person, that sometime sick will mean short notice closing.
I think you more annoyed about her vacation that her sick and if that true, you should have addressed that at time.
But go back to contract first and be really sure that it say will find substitute and not will try to.
Regulation changes from province to province, but I doubt Health Authority will get involved with contractual matter.