View Full Version : Daycare charges 7am to 6:30
Mrs Ahmed
12-06-2011, 11:51 AM
Hi daycare providers
I am just in a need of information about daycare from 7 am to 6:30 pm what should be the charges if on kid is going school 8:30 to 3:05 and other is in jk.
But with that I also want to tell I charge them 220$ for week and mom is saying she wont pay me for christmas holidays if I wont provide care even though she is at home and if I would charge she would send her kids to daycare even if she is off from office.What is your opinion about it though I know the policies but any to the point answer which has a logic I would really appreciatre.
daycare provider
waterloo day mom
12-06-2011, 12:02 PM
My policy is that if I'm closed, parents don't pay. For parents who want more than 9hours, I charge 1.5 times my usual rate.
Sandbox Sally
12-06-2011, 12:19 PM
I am the same as waterloo day mom. If I am closed, the parents are not charged. I charge by the day, not by the hour. I will not accept kids outside my operating hours, which is ten hours. If the parents pick up early or drop off late, I do not give a discount.
12-06-2011, 12:34 PM
If it is a public/stats holiday I would expect to be paid. Hope it helps.
Sandbox Sally
12-06-2011, 12:49 PM
Cocoon, Oh RIGHT, sorry. I forgot about stats. I do get paid for stats by my full timers.
12-06-2011, 12:59 PM
I actually do get paid for two weeks of my holiday when I am closed plus stat holidays and I am also paid for up to 5 personal days (if I am sick, appointments, etc). I know that it is pretty normal in my neighbourhood, but you would have to find out what is the usual in your area by talking to some caregivers where you live. There can be big differences. All of my parents understand that a well rested caregiver is a caregiver who is more able to devote energy to the kids.
12-06-2011, 03:38 PM
I don't charge for my summer break but I DO get paid for stats and for the week off between Christmas and New Years (which includes a couple of stats) and for 3 personal days a year. I have it all very clearly spelled out in my contracts.
Judy Trickett
12-06-2011, 05:28 PM
Hi daycare providers
I am just in a need of information about daycare from 7 am to 6:30 pm what should be the charges if on kid is going school 8:30 to 3:05 and other is in jk.
Well, the child in school full days would be at your local before and after school rate. I don't know what city you are in but ask around other providers. Typically before and after school rates are between $15 and $20 a day depending on your area. As for the kindy kid - she would pay full days for the days she is there. But there are lots of providers who make kindy kids pay for a FULL space even if they only come every other day because even on their school days they are still with you b/a school so they take up a spot.
But with that I also want to tell I charge them 220$ for week and mom is saying she wont pay me for christmas holidays if I wont provide care even though she is at home
Why are you allowing your clientelle to tell YOU when they will and will not pay?? I assume you have a contract, right? PLEASE tell me you have a contract and stats and civics are paid days. If you come across a client that refuses to pay you for what you WANT to get paid for and what is in the contract then it is very simple - they get terminated. You never, ever should allow a parent to NOT pay you for what you have in your contract to get paid for. If you let this slide even ONCE they WILL refuse to pay other times. Payment should NEVER be negotiable. And if she doesn't like it then she gets a ..........NEXT! If a parent ever told me they were not paying for stats I would terminate them on the spot.
Mrs Ahmed
12-06-2011, 11:28 PM
which days do you take of in summer holidays?
Judy Trickett
12-07-2011, 07:29 AM
which days do you take of in summer holidays?
Whatever days you want to take off. You are entitled to a break too.
12-09-2011, 10:03 PM
Oh wow, my stat days are all listed in my contract and parents sign to pay for them every year when we renew our contract. I have decided to be closed this year between Christmas to New Year PAID using the Chistmas Eve, Day and Boxing Day & New Year's Day and one personal paid day all written into my contract as paid days off. I'm really looking forward to the rest!
Last year I wrote 3 paid personal days into my contract in case of sickness and didn't even use them, and I also wrote in Christmas Eve day and Easter Monday as paid days off. Why? Because I know some of my families have had these days off in the past and brought their children to daycare anyway and I need time off more than I need money. I didn't even use the 3 paid personal days last year and I intend to use them this year. It was my intended raise instead of raising rates, but I didn't use it, silly me!
After almost 4 years in business I certainly have learned to take care of myself. In Nov. of each year when I renew my contracts with the parents I let them know the 3 weeks of vacation I will be taking the next year so that when they have to book their holidays they know all of the days my daycare will be closed, even the stat days that their employer may not recognize as a stat day.
12-09-2011, 10:07 PM
Oh yes, and 7am to 6:30pm - NO FREAKING WAY!!!!!
I have a 9 hour limit to my days and a $5/half hour overtime limit after that. My hours are 7:30-5pm and there is also a fee if that is exceeded. Don't burn yourself out, take care of your health.
Mrs Ahmed
12-10-2011, 10:11 PM
Whats 1.5 means?
12-10-2011, 10:28 PM
Mrs Ahmed it means if she charges $40 per day she would take half of that ($20) and charge that as well so the extended day would be $60.
12-10-2011, 10:30 PM
it means one and a half.
Mrs Ahmed
12-10-2011, 10:34 PM
Do you think it is fair amount for me to charge 2 kids for 220$ including food, pick and drop though they are staying, one kid for4and half hour and other almost 9 hours?
12-10-2011, 10:40 PM
it all depends on what the norm in your area is? It's sounds a little low! I charge $225 for one child for 9 hours a day in Southern Ontario.
12-10-2011, 10:47 PM
Sound like you are also offering a special service of staying open late until 6:30pm. I would be charging more like $370 a week. Don't let people bargain you down. They would have a very hard time finding some else to take their kid until 630pm. Are you also serving them dinner? That would be even more money on top.
Mrs Ahmed
12-10-2011, 10:48 PM
I live in brampton.
Mrs Ahmed
12-10-2011, 10:54 PM
I am serving them breakfast, one snack for school and lunch. After school I am also giving them meal.
12-10-2011, 10:59 PM
Looks like you have a lot of competition in Brampton and prices range from 20 to 40 day. I guess you need to figure out what you need to be paid for it to worth it for you! The cost of food and craft materials for example and all the extra work of going back and forth to schools. You need to find an Association for Daycare provider's in Brampton to help get you started out.
12-10-2011, 11:00 PM
it is usually the parent's responsibility to provide their kids lunch and snack for school.
12-10-2011, 11:03 PM viders/ Have you seen this website yet?
12-29-2011, 02:41 PM
I charge a monthly rate... when my day home kids go on holidays or to visit other parents somewhere else, they pay full rate to hold the spot. My one kid is gone for 2 weeks to his dads and I still expect and get a full month. I also charge for sick days whether theirs or mine... as long as I get paid, they can be wherever they want... home, work, doctors, etc... Also I get 2 weeks paid vacation through out the year. Just tell them that if they would like to keep the spot then you expect FULL payment.
I am in Alberta and I charge $400/month for after school care and $500/month for before and after. Hope this helps! :D
Also learned by mistake... always have a contract and make sure that EVERYTHING is in there. I forgot to put in that I ask for 30 days notice to end care and got screwed. Whether the kid will be there or not, you should be getting paid. If we only charged when the child was here then we would stand to lose a lot of income if a family member were to visit or whatever.:no: You can always find a parent that is willing to follow your rules... :yes:
01-27-2012, 05:14 PM
I as well take two weeks off in Summer, paid. All stats paid. The week from the 23rd -January 2nd off paid. And all sick days are paid, not prorated.
My only exception to that is my drop in day rate kiddo's. Anyone on contract is aware of the policies and procedures in place!
Every other industry gets time off, and sick time. We can't watch kids 365, we would have entirely grey hair, and walking with a limp! :laugh: