View Full Version : How much to charge for home day care
10-26-2016, 08:48 PM
I have recently been asked to watch a 9 month old from 10.30am to 5.30pm. I'm not sure how much to charge. The mother will be providing milk but I can provide food, a 9 month old doesn't eat that much anyway. Been looking online and so far the going rate for a day is between $40 to $50. Any advice on what to charge? They want an answer asap!
10-26-2016, 09:01 PM
This will depend on a LOT of variables.
Are you currently providing care for additional children (or plan to)?
Do you have experience and education in this field
Will you be providing daycare (as in completely child focused during this time) or will you be caring for a child in your home with the intent on still performing your household responsibilities when the child is in care
Your area of location (demand in that area)
I personally would charge a lot more for the care of one child over the care of numerous children. That one child is your sole income.
A 9 month old may not eat much but they require constant attention. A 3 yr old can go off and play while you cook and clean etc but a 9month old needs your attention while awake.
When I provided full time care to 5 children I charged $55 a day (open 10hrs). When I downsized and only cared for one child (in addition to my own child) I charged $55 for an 8.5hr day but the child was the same age as my daughter and I was doing all my cooking and cleaning while they entertained themselves, I was no longer working 10 straight hours on childcare alone.
I now care part time for a set of siblings (2 kids) and charge $12 per hour of care (generally $36-48 for each 3-4hr day). With the siblings I am focused on child care (3 kids including my own) but have half the day free for household tasks. This is just done fora bit of income and so my daughter has children to interact with for part of the day.
Each situation is very different and it will depend on your intent. If you are doing this for income then $40-50 a day for one child is not really worthwhile. If you are doing it to be home with your child and bring in a it of cash then it might be worth it if the kids are the same age. If you have many children in care then $40 x 3,4 or 5 kids will add up and be worthwhile as an income.
07-15-2019, 05:37 AM
Thanks for sharing. I been learning a lot from the thread.
04-23-2021, 05:07 AM
I suppose that 50 dollars should be enough. It also depends on the experience of the babysitter