View Full Version : Summer break
Mrs Ahmed
12-10-2011, 10:26 PM
Hi care providers
What is the usual trend about having holidays or take of in summer.I mean to say when usually care provider take break in july to august.Detailed information would be good for me.
12-10-2011, 10:32 PM
Mrs. Ahmed for me, I take the same weeks off as my husband has off. He is able to choose his holidays by February so we choose our time off then and I let my parents know in writing.
You have to remember that part of the reason you chose this career path is because it was convenient to you. I chose to stay home with my daughter, it was only supposed to be for a little while but I love it so much I am still doing it 10 years later. You can not be a slave to your work. You are the boss, you make the rules. Take as much or as little time as you like.
I always take 2 weeks in the summer and the week between Christmas and New Year's Day. All of it unpaid - if I'm not open, my parents don't pay. Hope this helps
12-10-2011, 10:34 PM
It 's your business so you can take off whatever you want! Some daycare provider's take the whole summer off. Some daycare provider's take no time off in the summer, but instead take time off different times of the year. I will be taking three weeks off this summer. Two weeks off in July and one week off in August. I's up to you if you decide to take your time off paid or unpaid.