View Full Version : No notice for termination adn then refund????????????

12-27-2011, 03:31 PM
Am I making a big deal out of this? Maybe i'm being too sensitive...

So I had siblings in my care for 3 years (the older one 3 the little one 2)
The Mother says the older girl will be starting after school daycare in her school NEXT WEEK
The younger boy is going to stay here as he isn't in school yet.
So then the dad later comes to me and says....."I want a refund for January for the older girl since I already paid but she won't be here as of next week."

K...So it says in my contract thirty days notice paid AT LEAST for termination

And now they demand a refund after giving me a weeks notice???!!!
And at Christmas time to boot?
And I charge the same as the school daycare does!!!!
I raised their kids for them! Talk about gratitude! I am in shock and I am also flabbergasted and I am also confused as to why they bothered taking her out at all since her brother is still going to be here.
And also I feel totally treated like a piece of garbage.
HELLLOOOOO I have a family to take care of! Bills and all. UGH!!

Am I being sensitive? How would you feel? What would you do?

It baffles me they demand a refund and their son is staying here and it says thirty days at lease paid notice.


12-27-2011, 03:51 PM
Do whatever your contract stats, they must have had her on a waiting list and just got the call. Tell them its nothing personal and it is just business and you have a business to run!

They may pull there little guy out of your care if they get angry, weigh what is the most important and go from there.

Good luck!

12-27-2011, 04:48 PM
The waiting list for school based care is long and hard to get in most areas and yes she has likely been on a waiting list for a long time. Once the chance comes up parents will normally take it because it is the only way to guarantee that she will have a spot there for next year when she is in school. They only get a few days to say yes or no and must start paying right away or the space goes to the next person on the list. So for them they are paying a lot right now and being Christmas that may have a lot to do with the demand for a refund right away - they need the money. Well we do too and base what we do on anticipated income. They gave you a week's notice so refund them a week of money since they paid for 4 weeks in January so are now paid up for 5 weeks (1D + 4J). A request for any more refund then that and you show them the contract and stand by it.