View Full Version : Care Provider Issues
09-15-2018, 02:00 PM
Hello all,
I had my son in an unlicensed day home for four days at the beginning of September. I pulled him out after the provider accused him of causing over $2000 in damages to her home without proof. She has accused him of breaking her couch, breaking a window, and a costly doll house, and has demanded we pay for the damages. I have asked for receipts as well as proof that my son was responsible for the damages, but she has not. All I was given was a “balance owing” screen shot for $1300. She has also said that my son has been dangerously violent and viscious towards herself and other children in her care.
My son has been in child care, at a different centre (licensed and accredited) for nearly four years with no issues of of the above described behaviours. Additionally, he had attended and early education program, again with no such behavioral issues.
I have reviewed my copy of her contract, which she sent electronically, but I didn’t sign. This reeks of manipulation for her financial gain. Are there any ideas of places I could turn to for help on this matter?
09-15-2018, 07:50 PM
It is unfortunate to have this kind of experience. I think you should call the ministry of education reps. Or the institution that is in charge of the childcare sector so they can start an investigation. If centres haven't reported all this misbehavior then most likely either the childcare provider house wasn't ready or did not offer enough stimulation for your child. Expensive doll house? ( unless that is part of a expensive collection, it shouldn't had been offered to children, we experiencied caregivers know that toys are mostly child use proofed where normal tear and wear is expected within reasonable use and time).
Breaking a couch? And a window? Did he had proper supervision? As soon as first insident happened had to be reported and documented by taking a picture and reported to you inmediately.
I care for mostly boys and I know they have more energy than girls so, a knowledgeable and experienced day care provider would know on how to redirect or guide all that energy in a positive and more productive manner. When you did your search and interview did you notice if the place would suit your child needs? Centres offer many activities and also have extra staff support. If he has grown-up in that kind of environment then most likely a homedaycare wasn't challenging enough for him.
In my experience because it is an unlicensed situation it will be hard to get back your deposit perhaps small claims court. The reports of good behaviour of centres and a report from the ministry of education representatives might help.
09-15-2018, 07:51 PM
Home day cares even if unlicensed, are often run by early childhood educators, who run an early education program so please be mindful that the tone of your post is such that it suggests unlicensed = poor quality. It just seems that you have picked poorly on this occasion.
Legally, even with an unsigned contract, you have a care agreement in place. This is proven by the fact you attended that day home for 4 days. You would be in a stronger position, had you signed the contract since you would have a black and white legal document that proved what the parameters of the agreement were. Without it, your agreement is verbal and it comes down to a he said, she said situation.
While I agreed that the level of damage is unlikely in such a short period of time, and that the lack of evidence is troubling, I don't think your post is detailing all the pertinent information. It makes no sense, That a child attends a day home for 4 days, has zero issues because he's used to care and then out of the blue, a claim for damages is made by the carer. Something had to have happened. It's just too random to be made up entirely.
If you want to provide all the facts about what actually happened, I think people will be happy to try and help you. Alternatively, contact a lawyer.
07-09-2020, 12:17 PM
Definitely a lawyer........
04-23-2021, 05:48 AM
This woman is wrong in any case, but with all due respect, I would advise you to consider changing your son's behavior. Theoretically, there is a possibility that he may be dissatisfied with the frequent changes of daycares and thus wants to attract YOUR attention. I had it with my son when I was looking for children care Brooklyn, until I found it m/. You should talk to him, maybe he has some problems or worries. And as for this typical Karen, I advise you to just ignore her.
09-17-2021, 08:05 AM
thanks for your experience!
10-18-2021, 01:17 AM
If you want to provide all the facts about what actually happened, I think people will be happy to try and help you. Alternatively, contact a lawyer.
I truly think that there would be not so many options then, if they would contact a lawyer. Anyway, if you're already want to hire a professional lawyer, I can recommend you this law firm ( this link: ), because they know for sure how to protect their clients and protect their rights, in any sphere of life.
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