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Forum: Daycare providers

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  3. Educational programs, outings, toys & games, ideas, themes...

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  4. Menus, recipes, snacks, groceries, ideas...

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  5. Furniture, renovations, supplies...

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  6. Contracts, policies, forms, templates...

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  7. Laws, accounting, contracts, holidays...

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  8. Questions, issues, experiences with parents.

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  9. Laws, logistics, tips, experiences...

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  10. Courses, seminars, workshops, continuing education, CPR...

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  11. Offer a job or search for a position in a home daycare, a daycare centre...

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    1. Offer a daycare job to potential candidates.

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      • 40 posts
    2. Advertise your skills and availability to work in a home daycare, a daycare centre...

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  12. Life as a daycare provider: experiences, anecdotes, emotions...

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