Educational programs, outings, toys & games, ideas, themes...
Kā tiešsaistes kopienas un forumi jums palīdz, izvēloties sporta derības, un kādi konkrēti padomi un ieteikumi jums šķiet visnoderīgākie?
Honestly, the situation is ridiculously silly. I asked a friend to send me a document I needed. It’s literally one page of text that I need right...
I'm not flying to Spain anytime soon, but I’ve been wanting to try real quality jamon for a long time. Is there a reliable online store for such...
I've been interested in creating my own game for a long time because it's not only about implementing my own ideas and contributing to the...
I've had ideas and different options for starting an online business for a while now. First of all, ecommerce is appealing. I'm not sure if I can...
So, it's a rainy (very light intermittent mist really) morning here in eastern Ontario and we all headed outside to splash in some puddles. Usually...
So...file folder games. I have made one where you match the upper case letters to lower case letters and the children do seem to like it whenever I...
So, I have just introduced a TV (gifted to me) to our daycare space. My last intention is to simply pop movies on and plop the children in front. ...
What do you do for music times and introducing music? I have Music Mondays and take out some toy instruments. Also have rhythm sticks ? Any more...
Liebe Freunde, ich würde gerne gute Softwareentwickler finden, aber ich kann überhaupt nichts Interessantes finden und weiß nicht, was ich tun soll....
Hello, Does anybody have any activity ideas to share for the 2-4 years old very active kids please? I kind of hit the time where I don’t have so...
Hi everyone, Just wondering how many of you put kids music on during the day? Just to listen while playing, during cleanup or just to sing and...
This thread is on tips to cool down children who fight each other, those who conflict a lot and who disturb others. Please tell us if you have had...
Being a fairly new Childcare provider and a fairly old mom ;), I looked around for some websites for some new and different ideas for activities. ...
Do you ladies do anything to mark the occasion? Crafts? Etc
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