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Forum: Daycare meals

Menus, recipes, snacks, groceries, ideas...

  1. Daycare Meals - Canada Revenue

    Dear Daycare Owners, CRA has started to audit the cost of daycare meals. My client has been audited and it is CRA's view that the cost of meals...

    Started by jfbird@shaw.ca, 06-05-2017 11:49 AM
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    11-15-2017 08:56 AM Go to last post
  2. Providing a take home snack

    Just had a quick question about snacks. I usually provide the normal two snacks and lunch during the day. However, now that a few of the kids are...

    Started by skanhai101, 11-16-2016 07:01 PM
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    05-18-2017 11:04 AM Go to last post
  3. Red face 2.5 year old Eating issues.. Help :)

    Hi folks, since I have always received helpful advise from people in this site, I will ask another question! I have a 2.5 year old that is really...

    Started by DaycareMiss, 03-21-2017 01:18 PM
    eating, oral issues
    • Replies: 5
    • Views: 9,478
    04-25-2017 01:59 PM Go to last post
  4. Info on opening home daycare in Montreal

    Hi, my name is Tina and I am looking for any and all information , on how to begin opening my own daycare . Where to get permit, how much kids i can...

    Started by TandTdaycare, 09-01-2013 09:25 AM
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 27,428
    01-18-2017 05:28 AM Go to last post
  5. Snack and Drinks Only Anyone???

    Is there anyone here in Ontario that only provides snacks and drinks for their daycare due to allergies? If so how do you find it, does it go over...

    Started by Tinyones1981, 01-09-2017 02:29 PM
    • Replies: 2
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    01-09-2017 06:50 PM Go to last post
  6. Accomodating Allergies in Home Daycare

    Hello Everyone, I am new to the forum. I did home daycare a couple of years ago before my son was born. I took a coupe years off due to my son's...

    Started by happyheart, 08-01-2016 01:52 PM
    • Replies: 2
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    08-01-2016 03:31 PM Go to last post
  7. Milk at Lunch only?

    Hi - if your dcks hardly touch their milk at lunch, do u offer at afternoon snack time? Tx!

    Started by ebhappydc, 11-09-2015 03:14 PM
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    07-28-2016 11:25 AM Go to last post
  8. School-aged kids who come for lunch

    Does anyone have school-aged daycare kids who besides coming before and after school, also come for lunch each day? If so, how much do you charge for...

    Started by MommaL, 03-21-2016 11:12 AM
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    03-22-2016 09:58 AM Go to last post
  9. Will parents pay more for better food?

    Do you think that parents are willing to pay more for good food when choosing a daycare? In my area, the cost for daycare is fairly consistent no...

    Started by MommaL, 12-08-2015 10:50 AM
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    12-08-2015 10:08 PM Go to last post
  10. Gluten Free?

    So I have an interview with a family, and they are gluten free. Mom says she will provide LOs food. I am very hesitant, because I have heard this...

    Started by MsBell, 10-01-2015 09:54 AM
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    11-14-2015 02:02 PM Go to last post
  11. Presenting a menu...

    Hello everyone!! Long time hope everyone is well. Finally all settled into my new house and have started intrviweing. I have never presented a menu...

    Started by DeeDee, 05-23-2013 05:51 PM
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    11-12-2015 03:12 PM Go to last post
  12. Monthly grocery budge for daycare only

    Hello, How much does everyone spend on groceries for the daycare only with 5 kids? Let's say in Ontario since they change province to province. ...

    Started by Cheeky, 10-20-2015 10:12 PM
    5 Pages
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    10-25-2015 01:53 AM Go to last post
  13. Ketchup on Everything

    Hi All! I have an older dcb who often won't eat any of his lunch unless it is slathered in ketchup...today we had fish, sweet potato fries and...

    Started by ebhappydc, 08-26-2015 06:47 PM
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    10-06-2015 06:03 AM Go to last post
  14. Not eating lunch

    Hi Forum Friends, Please, some advice. I have a 2 yr old. He doesn't want to eat lunch at all lately. He is more than happy to eat all snacks...

    Started by fivelittleones, 08-14-2015 02:47 PM
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 36,787
    08-14-2015 09:11 PM Go to last post
  15. Apple Recipes Please!

    I have 3-4 large ziplock bags of frozen apple slices and am looking for some new recipes. I've looked on Pinterest but nothing is jumping out at me....

    Started by 5 Little Monkeys, 05-27-2015 10:53 AM
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 13,969
    06-02-2015 10:50 AM Go to last post

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