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Forum: Daycare meals

Menus, recipes, snacks, groceries, ideas...

  1. DCP Concerned Mercury in Tuna

    Hi - got an email last nite from dcp (good parent) concerned about tuna melts I serve about once a week due to mercury levels. I've read ages 18...

    Started by ebhappydc, 04-30-2015 08:34 AM
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    04-30-2015 02:57 PM Go to last post
  2. Meal Prep!

    I wanted to share a great resource I stumbled upon online today for meal prep. I meal prep for my daycare every nine weeks. I spend the majority...

    Started by bright sparks, 04-02-2015 12:42 PM
    • Replies: 9
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    04-02-2015 05:32 PM Go to last post
  3. Snack portions

    What can I add to their fruit portion in the afternoon to make it more substantial. I'm looking at the cost of fruit and it gets expensive when I...

    Started by Samantha33, 10-27-2014 02:16 PM
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    02-07-2015 09:18 AM Go to last post
  4. Unhappy Meals and Snacks for 12-18 months

    I just opened this week. I have (2) 12 month olds and my own daughter who's 16 months. I don't have a menu plan. Do you recommend that I do? I...

    Started by Fireyesblue, 01-08-2015 01:52 PM
    • Replies: 5
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    02-02-2015 02:07 PM Go to last post
  5. Parents requests child to get more food.

    OK so I am looking for some advice on this subject. When I first started my day home I was nieve and gave the first mom to show interest a dumb deal...

    Started by sueanneasam, 01-22-2015 11:16 AM
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    01-26-2015 01:31 PM Go to last post
  6. Honey

    I mixed a little honey with fruit for afternoon snack today which I wrote down on the 15 month dcb's take home record sheet. Mom was concerned and...

    Started by ebhappydc, 01-13-2015 05:22 PM
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    01-14-2015 01:54 PM Go to last post
  7. Unhappy Meals and Sbacks

    I just opened this week. I have (2) 12 month olds and my own daughter who's 16 months. I don't have a menu plan. Do you recommend that I do? I...

    Started by Fireyesblue, 01-08-2015 01:51 PM
    • Replies: 1
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    01-08-2015 03:32 PM Go to last post
  8. Easy way to bake with the kids!!

    In past threads there has been a few who have posted that they never bake with the kids due to messiness, germs etc. Here is a simple, quick and...

    Started by 5 Little Monkeys, 10-06-2014 08:36 PM
    • Replies: 9
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    10-09-2014 01:21 PM Go to last post
  9. How much do you spend on groceries for the family and for the daycare ?

    I would love to hear from you all... I have a feeling I could be cutting our grocery bill down quite a bit:o we are a family of 4 and our groceries...

    Started by Sunflower, 03-04-2011 09:01 AM
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    10-06-2014 06:53 AM Go to last post
  10. Healthy school snack ideas

    My daughter just started kindergarten last week (yay!) - so begins sending healthy and NUT-FREE food to school. I am looking for some ideas and...

    Started by AmandaKDT, 09-12-2014 01:50 PM
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    09-17-2014 08:07 AM Go to last post
  11. Post your meal plan!

    I thought we could benefit the most from each others ideas if we post what a random 2 week period looks like for us! What are you meals and snacks?

    Started by Emilys4Guppies, 02-26-2011 06:28 PM
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    08-19-2014 11:06 AM Go to last post
  12. Cherrio Diet

    So I have this 13 month old that will ONLY eat Cheerios. I serve a WIDE variety of lunches with at least 3 options per meal (all of which I expect to...

    Started by ttremble88, 02-19-2014 11:12 AM
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    08-19-2014 10:12 AM Go to last post
  13. Open cups

    At about what age do you all introduce cups with no lids? I have a group of 12-15month olds right now that all use a spill proof straw cup for...

    Started by Lee-Bee, 03-11-2014 11:49 AM
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    08-11-2014 04:07 PM Go to last post
  14. Toddler won't eat

    Hi there, I am having an issue with a toddler that is refusing to eat. She came to me as a picky eater, as described by mom. The first month of...

    Started by cheribaby1972, 05-01-2014 03:04 PM
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    06-26-2014 11:22 AM Go to last post
  15. Kid- friendly vegetarian meals

    Hi everyone, So as of late I am finding I have a very difficult time eating meat. For whatever reason, it just smells/ tastes awful even though I...

    Started by Fun&care, 04-30-2014 01:10 PM
    • Replies: 7
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    06-12-2014 09:08 AM Go to last post

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