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Forum: The day-to-day as a daycare provider

Life as a daycare provider: experiences, anecdotes, emotions...

  1. It's official - I'm closing!

    Well, I gave my daycare families notice on Friday that I will be permanently closing my daycare by the end of the June. They were surprised, but...

    Started by AmandaKDT, 06-03-2015 01:46 PM
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    06-04-2015 12:37 PM Go to last post
  2. How We Dress

    Do you think it matters at all how we dress as providers? How about during an interview? I try to look somewhat professional even tho I'm home all...

    Started by ebhappydc, 05-26-2015 08:20 AM
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    05-26-2015 03:08 PM Go to last post
  3. Concerned about my daughter...feel so stuck sometimes with a daycare

    My DD is 5. She has been sick for the last 2 months. Horrible cough (still has it), complained of ear pain, had a ruptured eardrum given antibiotics...

    Started by torontokids, 05-13-2015 01:03 PM
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    05-19-2015 08:29 AM Go to last post
  4. My Daycare Day is a nice break

    My Daycare playroom is downstairs (still nice big bright windows & a door to close at the end of the day). I find this sense of peace when I come...

    Started by Dreamalittledream, 05-14-2015 02:17 PM
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    05-14-2015 04:45 PM Go to last post
  5. Neighbour

    So I'm pretty sure one of my neighbours drove by a took a picture on a cell when we were all outside. I'm totally could be wrong but that's what it...

    Started by daycarelady2, 05-06-2015 03:44 PM
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    05-08-2015 02:02 PM Go to last post
  6. Playdates!

    I know with Bill 10 rules you are not allowed to have play dates IN your home if there is over five kids in the house. If one caregiver has two kids...

    Started by babydom, 05-01-2015 07:49 AM
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    05-04-2015 11:31 AM Go to last post
  7. ECE Week

    Happy ECE Week everyone!!! Take pride this week in knowing that you chose a profession that makes a difference in so many little people's lives!...

    Started by 5 Little Monkeys, 04-27-2015 08:25 PM
    • Replies: 9
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    05-01-2015 05:05 PM Go to last post
  8. DCM dropped the ball on handling a very teachable moment!

    What would you ladies have done in this situation....I had a daycare mom bring a mermaid costume to add to our collection. Dcg was excited to give it...

    Started by Other Mummy, 04-28-2015 04:25 AM
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    05-01-2015 07:48 AM Go to last post
  9. Your childhood toys

    Does anyone have any of their own childhood toys in their daycare? I mean toys and dolls in good condition, of course. I am wondering if this is...

    Started by kindertime, 04-03-2015 07:27 PM
    • Replies: 6
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    04-28-2015 07:02 PM Go to last post
  10. Do u ride public transit with ur kids?

    Come fall I will have two days with just two kids. I don't feel comfortable driving with them as I don't want the liability and worry about safety....

    Started by babydom, 04-19-2015 09:00 PM
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    04-28-2015 11:26 AM Go to last post
  11. Mat leave goodbyes

    I have a little one leaving this week to go off on mat leave with his mom who just gave birth. The parents seem to be building up the departure...

    Started by Spixie33, 04-25-2015 07:26 AM
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    04-27-2015 08:19 PM Go to last post
  12. Duh moments...

    Today I reached for what I thought was a tube of sunscreen but accidentally smeared diaper cream on dck's face and didn't realize til I put tube away...

    Started by ebhappydc, 04-14-2015 12:34 PM
    • Replies: 2
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    04-14-2015 02:19 PM Go to last post
  13. Is anyone on Twitter?

    In my new quest to join the 21st century, I am creating a website for my daycare, I have joined Facebook and today, Twitter. The Facebook thing...

    Started by kindertime, 04-01-2015 05:29 PM
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    04-07-2015 12:54 PM Go to last post
  14. April Fool's Day/ Easter!!

    Hope everyone is having a nice week! We've been having some great weather so far and it's been so nice to get outside 2x a day this week. It's also...

    Started by 5 Little Monkeys, 04-01-2015 01:44 PM
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    04-02-2015 07:14 PM Go to last post
  15. Saying sorry

    If a child intentionally hurts another child (ie pushes them to the floor), and in this case a much smaller child, do u insist they say sorry? I...

    Started by ebhappydc, 04-01-2015 07:39 AM
    • Replies: 7
    • Views: 6,307
    04-01-2015 02:13 PM Go to last post

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