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2 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Hi Wonderwiper:

    You had asked me for a run down of my New Zealand trip, so here I am, between flights on my nearly endless journey home. NZ was incredible and I can see why you loved it there!!! Everywhere you look, it's gorgeous, all GE free foods and bottled drinks with 'rain water' actually being a listed ingredient. Fantastic! So here's what we did as best as my memory serves. I was with a high octane, all action all the time couple who packed every single minute full of activity.

    - spent a day in Waiheke (LOVED it!!)
    - white water rafting down the Kaituna (7m waterfall and the most stunning river guide who actually made me consider moving there
    -black water rafting tour to see the glowing worm poo in Waitomo Caves
    - Te Henga Walkway (Bethels) - about 10km
  2. View Conversation

    Where are you, located? Does your husband do other people daycare taxes? Please let me know.

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