How many before and after school children can one have....
Can someone tell me how many before and after school aged children one can have at any given time...thanks
Thoughts please....I sent ALL parents a note asking what their plans over the holidays were...they all responded telling me which days they were NOT going to be here...I CONFIRMED the days they were not coming through a text. So I went ahead and booked a very IMPORTANT appointment for 1 of the days NOBODY was coming. Yesterday one father says to me "oh so you AREN'T available that day..cause you made an we don't have to pay you...right? AM I MISSING SOMETHING HERE.....I said "I wouldn't have made the appointment if you needed me"....thought? I am seriously contemplating canning them over this...This isn't the first time they have done this to me.
Anyone out there willing to share their contract....just want to make sure I may have missed something to my advantage...