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2 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    I tested mine in the snow today. Trust Calgary to have 15 cm of wet snow in Summer!
    It went through supper easy!! The narrow high wheel made it a breeze. I had 3 four year olds and 1 two year old in at the time.

    We will have another 15cm or so tonight so I can really run it through the snow test!
  2. View Conversation
    I paid $2205US for mine. I got the 8 seater with all the bells and whistles! Sun canopy, rain shield, car carrier and cover, basket too.
    Great things:
    customer service
    I did not pay shipping - planned a family vacation that way and picked it up.
    able to pay in installments.

    I had a Valco Tri mode - cost me $1100 (rain cover, 3rd seat and hitch hiker with it). In 7 years I had a few flats and 2 x front wheel broke right off while pushing!!! I had to buy replacement parts each time.
    I took into account that I would be doing this for the next 20 years.I did the math on the number of other strollers I would buy in this time and resale value would be at the end. The runabout wins for sure.

    I dealt directly with the owner Rog and his wife Jan. Here is the site info
    tell him I sent you (Chantal from Calgary) he will give you a special wholesale price!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
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