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Type: Posts; User: madlibbs_auntie

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  1. I got one this morning! Thought it was very odd!...

    I got one this morning! Thought it was very odd! Who does that?? LOL DELETE!
  2. I don't know what it's like where you are, but...

    I don't know what it's like where you are, but here I am going to be a provider through the region. They will send families to me.they will also pay me so I dont have to deal with the parents...
  3. Replies

    Thanks guys! Suffocation was my worry with this...

    Thanks guys! Suffocation was my worry with this but wasnt sure if I was on the right track!! Thanks again!
  4. Replies

    Air Mattress

    Hey! I'm just starting my HDC and have no crib mattresses and only one play pen but lots of air mattresses. Is this allowed? I've searched this forum(as much as I could) and "googled" it but could...
Results 1 to 4 of 4

A few tips...

Always ensure that your child receives quality care by taking the time to investigate the provider and by asking for references! We simply cannot verify the claims of every daycare provider.
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